Obama and the Nazis: Jacques Cheminade Strikes Again

Last Sunday Presidential candidate, Jacques Cheminade, established a new parallel between actions taken by both Obama and the Nazis.

During the Dimanche+ broadcast last Sunday on, Jacques Cheminade, the presidential candidate, drew a parallel between Barack Obama’s current policies on U.S. health care and the first steps taken by the Nazis in World War II. When asked about Lyndon LaRouche’s attacks on Barack Obama, that inspired his position, Cheminade believes ObamaCare prevents care being given for the chronically or terminally ill. Cheminade stated that Obama’s policy is the same idea that U.S. doctors’ representative condemned during the Nuremberg trails, that showed that when we put a figure on human life we are heading towards “monstrous evils in politics.” Cheminade denied that Lyndon LaRouche challenged the existence of concentration camps saying that the abomination of the Holocaust took place and killed six million.

Economically, Cheminade is a supporter of making a clearer distinction between commercial and deposit banks, and he felt that it was no longer necessary to “bail out the banks.” As for the deposit banks, Cheminade called them a “protected” institution, if they do not do well or need funds for recovery, account management or expense in every sense, then they are nationalized at stock price. Speaking about a productive public credit system with a national bank, he said it is necessary to go to Brussels to say that Europe has gone astray and that we need to change very quickly. At the EU level, he posed the question – can we make a policy that stimulates major work? If not, would it be possible to have the Franc internally and the Euro as common currency.”

“Eurasian Land-Bridge”

Cheminade has also advocated a “Eurasian Land Bridge”, a metaphor for Eurasia, stretching from the Atlantic to the China Sea. The idea is for a mutual development in which Russia and China in particular, along with Europe, set up a development system that is capable of developing countries in the global south. As for the United States, “we must put pressure on them,” says Cheminade who is also very critical of the Obama administration, and even more so of the Republican candidates, because we are seeing a form of social devastation – the destruction of the United States, and “it must be stopped,” according to Cheminade.

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