The Newtown Killer, at 20, Doesn't Have Facebook and That's a Big Deal? Bravo, France Info

Saturday morning in my bathroom, with France Info blaring to cover the noise of the shower, and in my head. This is the routine when, finally, I don’t have to work. Regarding the killing in Newtown, there was an interesting analysis by Fabienne Sintes, the station’s permanent correspondent to the United States, on the debate about carrying weapons that is starting over again between conservatives and Democrats.

Following that was an interview between the journalist and an expert psychiatrist to the Circuit Court, Professor Roland Coutanceau, also a criminologist and president of the French League for Mental Health.

We Must Keep “Special Killing”

It’s always risky to give a “scientific” opinion on something that we do not yet know much about — a young man that nobody knows, or has seen or heard… There needs to be content to talk about “special killing.” He refers to the recurring traits of mass murderers — isolation, paranoia, etc.

The reporter then asked him this question (from memory): “But is not having a Facebook page at the age of 20 important?”

Since Friday night, the press has been ignited over the “failure” by American journalists — who thought that they had found the profile of the killer on the social network, but had found that of his brother, a quiet worker.

At 20, If You Do Not Have a Facebook Profile…

Adam did not have a Facebook profile. At 20. It’s too weird. This confirms that he was “isolated,” a characteristic of psychopaths and serial killers. At 20, if you do not have Facebook, you have not fully bloomed, you don’t have friends, nor do you have a social life and you are abnormal, asocial. That is, if you do not have Facebook, you are shady.

My 17-year-old daughter heard this question and was angry. She stopped using Facebook two years ago because she found that it was ruining her friendships and made her waste precious time that she would rather devote to her friends as well as her passions.

I tweeted, even though I had promised myself that Saturday to keep away from all instruments that attach me to work. At least I had the satisfaction of not feeling isolated.

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