American forces are still violating the national sovereignty of Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia as U.S. drones comb the skies above these countries, Afghanistan and other countries, killing dozens of civilians — men and women, young and old — each day. The U.S. admits this, claiming that civilian deaths happen by accident. It pays no attention to international law nor does it give any respect to national sovereignty. Rather, it sees the concept of sovereignty itself as a subject of its own interests, wishes and decisions, not of international law.
On top of all that, America creates terrorist organizations all around the world and recruits them to serve its strategic interests. It claims to fight terrorism around the world while using terror and aggression against helpless peoples and invading their countries. It is the biggest sponsor and applicator of terror; it collaborates with the Israeli entity to commit the kind of systematic terror that international law calls “state terrorism.”
Although America, alongside Israel, breaks international law and violates human rights in the name of fighting terror, its media and intelligence organizations come out each year with reports that talk about the extent, goals and causes of terrorism around the world as though it has nothing to do with these things. An American security report has revealed that the number of terrorist attacks and operations around the world in 2012 was 69 percent higher than in 2011. It observed that seven main organizations, six of which have direct ties to al-Qaida, were responsible for most of the attacks.
CNN’s website related from the report, which was prepared by the American National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, that “more than 8,500 terrorist attacks killed nearly 15,500 people last year as violence tore through Africa, Asia and the Middle East.” The report added that the number of causalities constitutes an 89 percent rise since 2011, a year that saw 5,000 attacks; the [previous] high for casualties was in 2007, when 12,000 people were killed. The report expects 2013 to be bloodier than last year, as the first six months saw more than 5,100 attacks. Three countries — Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan — witnessed 55 percent of all terrorist attacks in 2012 and 62 percent of the human losses.
The report charged the Afghan Taliban, the Nigerian group Boko Haram, al-Qaida in Iraq, the Maoist Communist Party in India, the Somali al-Shabab armed movement, al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula and the Pakistani Taliban movement with responsibility for most of these terrorist attacks.
It ignored the criminal terrorist acts that occurred in Libya, Egypt, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen. Its mention of some of them was merely an attempt to convince public opinion of the credibility of its contents.
Whoever tries reading the previously mentioned paragraphs of the report will believe that America is totally innocent, and that the terrorism it fights has no connection whatsoever to its invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan and its daily drone strikes on the peoples of those countries and of Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen and other Asian, African and Latin American countries.
The one thing that we can say for sure and without hesitation is that the United States, due to its politics, is country most responsible for terrorism and extremism around the world. While there might be other reasons connected to the political, social and economic circumstances inside the countries subjected to terrorism, America embraces the extremist organizations, uses them to achieve specific ends at select times and then turns on them in the name of fighting terror once they are depleted. The bizarre thing about this is that each year, America publishes lists of countries that sponsor terrorism, even though most of them are victims of its policies and its interventions into their affairs. But the most important question is: For how much longer will the American public stay silent about its leadership, which keeps embroiling it in the world’s quagmires? When will it rise up against the policies that have brought it calamities and threaten to bring its future generations more?
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