The FBI has compiled an (at times absurd) glossary of web slang in order to help its agents to browse social networks … and speak with their grandchildren.
You are doubtless familiar with LOL, MDR or WTF. But have you already come across an ALOTBSOL, a BFFLTDDUP, a DILLIGAD or a SYWISY? The FBI is crazy about them. These abstruse terms are acronyms used by Internet users, and are part of a list of “web slang” that FBI agents are requested to know, a list which, according to The Washington Post, is as “hilarious” as it is “frightening.”
It has been made public by a collaborative website,, through a freedom of information request to the FBI. This surreal glossary contains some 3,000 entries listed on 83 pages, which will be of use to FBI agents in their professional use of social networks … “but also for keeping up with their children or grandchildren.” American taxpayers will be delighted to hear that, when the simple consultation of a site such as would have sufficed.
The FBI therefore appears convinced that in order to fight crime in the United States on a federal scale, it is vital to be able to identify a dangerous ALOTBSOL (“always look on the bright side of life”), a mysterious BFFLUDDUP (“best friend for life until death do us part”), a DILLIGAD threat (“does it look like I give a damn?”) or a dissonant SYWISY (“see you when I see you”).
PS: For the more curious among you, NIFOC in fact means “naked in front of computer.” Very useful for the FBI.
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