Knock Knock! Who’s There? Zionist Brutality!

Edited by Eva Langman

Part of the American strategy for this day and age can be determined by the extent of the country’s reach in its foreign policy and its degree of influence in the Middle East. On the one hand, the CIA finances, manages and directs fundamentalist Islamic groups which, rather than disappearing, reappear and become more and more strongly established in countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan. Although the U.S. classified these groups as terrorists, they are an extension of the armed wing of the Pentagon in its invented wars in every region, and are used to maintain conflict permanently and without the possibility of resolution. Finally, multinational corporations maintain the best economic relations with the oligarchies and elite regional power groups. Coverage is complete.

The strategic objective is to wipe these nations off the political map and create enormous supposed confederations of new, small territories — products of tribal aspirations — that will depend on the political, economic and military support of the West. That is how large stretches of territory in the form of a single, unified, legal nation will replace the many nations that exist there today.

The Arabs simply fell into the long-term trap that American-led Western institutions of power laid for them; nations that, if united, could stand up to the West or at least to Israel are now nearly fallen. The news from Iraq, where the situation is getting worse all the time, is not about peace but about the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, which will continue its intense and warlike conflicts. Libya is not moving forward in democratic terms; its internal military situation is very difficult. Egypt is a country without influence outside its borders. Syria is still hell. Turkey will soon see a new country emerge from its territory, and others, such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, do not even want to consider Arab unity because their monarchies depend on the lucrative benefits of petroleum and not the modern democratic ambitions of their people. Iran is still between a rock and a hard place in negotiations over its nuclear program.

For this reason, today more than ever, Israel has the ability to destroy the Palestinians and advance in its territorial expansion. No one can stop it. Proof of this is the indiscriminate slaughter of the people of Palestine by the Zionist Israeli government in Gaza. The harrowing pictures of dozens of dead children; mutilated children crying and screaming for help next to the lifeless bodies of their parents with the world all around them destroyed; fathers and mothers overcome with pain and helplessness at seeing [their] babies blown apart by explosions and shrapnel; dozens of naked Palestinians arrested by Israeli troops; enormous explosions from the artillery fire of the Israeli army that did not spare schools, hospitals or mosques, reducing them to rubble.

Everyone sees this — morning, noon and night — thanks to mass media. General condemnation of these acts grows and is expressed, but it still isn’t enough. Really, what is being done to contain Zionist brutality?

What is the U.N. doing? The answer is twofold. First, bureaucratic diplomats are “looking for a solution to the crisis.”* In this case, their hopes are modest; they “just want to stop the hostilities.”* With these obscure words, the secretary general of the United Nations and Secretary of State John Kerry deceive the people.

For those who are being massacred a second time, the U.N. is simply not doing anything. If in over 60 years the U.N. has not been able to make Israel fulfill even one of its resolutions and guarantee Palestine its right to become a sovereign nation, it is even less likely to do so now that Israel is a nuclear power.

Not only for the Palestinian people but for the entire world, the Zionists have already won the battle that the U.N. and diplomacy lost years ago. It’s time for a change.

*Editor’s note: The original quotations, accurately translated, could not be verified.

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