2014年12月12日15:33 来源:新民晚报 手机看新闻
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As a citizen of the United States , I am appalled by the CIA torture scandal. The guilty here must face an international war crimes tribunal. But the main stream world news media does almost nothing to explain the roots of terrorism Is anti-U.S. terrorism like the Ebola virus-highly contagious and mysterious in its origins ? Do sane individuals in these Middle Eastern countries wake one morning with a fanatical desire to fly jet airliners into tall buildings in New York City ?
Both China and Russian have forgotten the cause of mass misery for several centuries now: the unchecked rule of the rich.
In America, oddly enough, any mention of SOCIALISM usually comes from right wing sources. Long after the collapse of the Soviet Union they still hate and fear the very idea of a socialist society.
What can be more ludicrous than to believe that terrorists are motivated by some insane hatred of American Freedom and Democracy ?
Our now Republican Senate and our now Republican House are the real voice of the common people in America ?
The use of torture in American military prisons speaks of a lack of faith in the stability of the American Way of Life.
Did the threat of torture by the old Catholic Inquisition finally establish the TRUTH of Aristotle physics and the ERROR of the impudent free thinker Galileo ?
But there is PROGRESS even the world of metaphysics. Today the Catholic Church completely accepts the findings of modern science. And just recently Pope Francis said that the Church has no problem with Charles Darwin or Stephen Hawkins, with Evolution or the Big Bang.
Some day in the near future the political world will have no problem with SOCIALISM and Karl Marx’s CLASS STRUGGLE view of history.
( http://radicalrons.blogspot.com/ )