President Barack Obama recently acknowledged that meddling in Libya was a mistake and that further, it was France and Britain that instigated U.S. support of NATO in this enterprise. In his criticism, Obama specifically targeted British Prime Minister David Cameron, who not only initiated NATO’s military invasion of Libya for the purpose of bringing down the government of Colonel Gadhafi, but together with France also urged the U.S. to join in. Later on, the British prime minister’s attention shifted from Libya.
Many thought-provoking writings are available the world over regarding Europe and America’s interference in regions ranging from Iraq to Egypt, from Libya to Syria and later, Afghanistan. Intellectuals have been exposing the U.S. and Europe’s love of expansion and their adoption of policies based on likes and dislikes; once in a while it happens that they themselves reveal the truth. The fact is that ever since NATO’s intrusion, peace has evaded Afghanistan and Libya; it is the same situation in Iraq, and has affected Egypt and Syria also. Saudi Arabia and Iran are facing each other as warring countries in the region and so far, none of the friendly countries have succeeded in efforts to bring about an honorable understanding between the two.
On the other side, Israel is not only safe and sound, it inflicts injustice on Palestinians each day. Americans and Europeans have their own standard for this region, too; they offer support for Palestine with words, but help Israel through their actions. Thus, Obama, who supports the establishment of a Palestinian state has in practice been unable to accomplish anything so far.
Now Obama has conceded at least that the policy of NATO’s interference in Libya was formulated by France and Britain through mutual agreement between them, and that they convinced the U.S. to also support this initiative.
Although this statement itself, is historic and reflective of the “pious” intentions of these countries, still it cannot be said, “Of what use is the repentance of this person — after the damage has been done?”* The disclosure does provide food for reflection to all countries that are victims of oppressive acts of the U.S. and Europe, inviting these victims to ponder how to thwart policies of this kind [in the future]. Pakistan itself has been the victim of such policies; it has had to accost terrorism and make thousands of sacrifices in the war against terrorism; even this has failed to satisfy those who imposed the situation on us. All this invites us to reflect and to ponder.
*Editor’s note: This quotation is attributed to the celebrated Indian Urdu and Persian-language poet Ghalib (1797-1869).
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