In his interview with Fox News, President Obama said that the worst mistake of his tenure as president was the failure to foresee and plan for the situation that arose in Libya after the removal of Col. Gadhafi from power.
Former U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton has acknowledged that the U.S. made a mistake in abandoning Pakistan after Russia’s defeat in Afghanistan, and discontinuing agreements with the Pakistan army. In regard to the mujahedeen, they were left to the mercy of circumstances, the repercussions for which had to be borne in the shape of the Afghan War. Because of one mistake on the part of the U.S, hundreds of thousands of people were killed in Afghanistan and terrorism entered Pakistan, leading to irreparable loss of life and material damage, which is continuing to this day.
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has apologized for supporting America in attacking Iraq. Now President Obama is identifying the lack of planning for the situation emerging in Libya after the killing of President Gadhafi as the worst mistake of his presidential term. It is true that humans make mistakes, but they are also expected to learn from mistakes. What is happening here is that, instead of learning from one mistake, further mistakes are being committed. In the Yemen war, they sometimes support Saudi Arabia and, at other times, give a pat to Iran.
In Afghanistan the mujahedeen have now assumed the role of the Taliban and al-Qaida. In Iraq, the Islamic State group was nurtured by the U.S., which has now become a bane for the U.S. and its allies. If even now the U.S. would learn from its mistakes, it is possible for the world to have peace.
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