US Adds Fuel to the Fire Again, Seeking To Create Taiwan Strait Crisis

Certain American media as well as think tanks have recently and repeatedly cited comments made by U.S. political and military hawks to suggest that the “strategic ambiguity” of the U.S. is a gambit to turn Taiwan into another Ukraine — using force, if necessary — to prevent China from taking Taiwan. This U.S. plot is not only deeply malicious but highly dangerous.

The Taiwan issue is entirely China’s domestic affair and is fundamentally different in nature from the Ukraine situation. The U.S. should on no account miscalculate and underestimate China’s firm will, determination and ability to achieve cross-strait reunification. The plot of the anti-China forces in the U.S. to turn Taiwan into another Ukraine is destined to fail completely.

As we all know, the U.S. is the most bellicose country in the world. As complex as the Russia-Ukraine conflict’s background and causes are, the U.S. is entangled in all of them. The U.S. has been playing the role of strategic provocateur, conflict catalyst and warmonger in the Ukraine situation for a long time, roping along its allies and using the NATO bloc, which is under its control. This has led to intensification of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and to a spread of the flames of war, with people on both sides plunged into misery and suffering heavy losses.

U.S. Cashing in on a War It Initiated

On the surface, the U.S. has been calling for a cease-fire. In reality, it has been furnishing Ukraine with a range of military equipment and weapons and blatantly launching and intensifying a proxy war, thus leading to the greatest war tragedy in Europe since the Cold War. The U.S. is attacking Russia, not just on the military front, but also in fields such as economics, trade, finance, currency and energy, in an attempt to bring Russia to its knees.

Although the strategic goals of the U.S. and NATO will be difficult to achieve, Europe’s security and stability have been completely destroyed. Although Ukraine received tens of billions of dollars in aid from the U.S. and its allies, that aid has come at a heavy price. More than merely fiddling while Rome burns, Washington has been adding fuel to the fire on both sides of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and profiteering from both. This is a fact that cannot be concealed.

For a long time, anti-China forces in the U.S. have ignored the historical fact that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. They have ignored China’s territorial and core sovereign interests, as well as repeated stern warnings from the Chinese government, and they have stubbornly insisted on playing the “Taiwan card” in supporting Taiwanese independence. Across either side of the Taiwan Strait, these attempts to use Taiwan to contain China have resulted in long-lasting divisions and impediments to the peaceful reunification and great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

It should be a matter of grave concern that, since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the U.S. has not only carried out strategic provocations and attacks related to Ukraine, playing various tricks for its own benefit and to the detriment of others, but it is also attempting to replicate the “proxy war model” of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in Taiwan by further aggravating the separatist actions of Taiwan to suppress China. In practice, the “strategic ambiguity” of the U.S. toward Taiwan is becoming clearer and clearer: The commitments made by the U.S. in the Three Joint Communiqués have been seriously weakened, and the One-China policy, repeatedly expressed by the U.S. government, is ringing increasingly hollow.

An Attempt To Push Taiwan into the Flames of War

U.S. authorities, anti-China politicians and military hawks are colluding both overtly and covertly with separatist forces in Taiwan, constantly engaging in new sleight-of-hand maneuvers and provocations on the Taiwan issue. These include continued arms sales to Taiwan and the provision of advanced weaponry, sending U.S. political heavyweights to visit Taiwan and encouraging political figures among its Western allies to visit Taiwan and support the forces of “Taiwanese independence.” They have also sent U.S. military aircraft to Taiwan and landed them at Taiwan’s airports; sent U.S. warships into the Taiwan Strait; sent U.S. military advisory groups to Taiwan to help train Taiwan’s military forces; conducted air and sea military exercises around Taiwan; encouraged Taiwan to join international organizations; cooperated with the Taiwanese authorities in military affairs, science and technology — and so on.

With the intensification of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the heightened tensions in the Taiwan Strait caused by Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, some U.S. dignitaries and military officials have publicly advocated for the U.S. to provide Taiwan with military security protections. These would include the establishment of a U.S. arsenal in Taiwan, increasing arms storage on the island, joint U.S.-Taiwan deployment of advanced anti-missile systems and roping Japan and other countries into joining the U.S. military protection system for Taiwan.

In doing so, the U.S. is undoubtedly trying to drag Taiwan into the American and pro-Taiwanese independence fold, push the people of Taiwan into the flames of war and create internecine strife on either side of the Taiwan Strait, interfering with and undermining peaceful reunification. The Chinese government and all Chinese people will not and must not allow the U.S. to succeed in its criminal plan to turn Taiwan into another Ukraine.

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About Matthew McKay 127 Articles
Matthew is a British citizen raised and based in Switzerland. He received his honors degree in Chinese Studies from the University of Oxford and, after 15 years in the private sector, went on to earn an MA in Chinese Languages, Literature and Civilization from the University of Geneva. He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists and an associate of both the UK's Institute of Translation and Interpreting and the Swiss Association of Translation, Terminology and Interpreting. Apart from Switzerland, he has lived in the UK, Taiwan and Germany, and his translation specialties include arts & culture, international cooperation, and neurodivergence.

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