Cuba, Always Cuba

Now, it turns out that the disreputable European Parliament has adopted a resolution condemning Cuba. Well, that’s nothing new. On numerous previous occasions, this institution has adopted resolutions to condemn and defame Cuba. On numerous previous occasions, they have given awards and recognition to those who have been paid by the United States to create anti-Cuban propaganda.

In the midst of the recent chaos in France — mainly in Paris — this same parliament condemned Cuba for violating the human rights of Cubans. They have now demanded the immediate release of those who were sentenced to prison for participating in the riots that took place on the island on July 11, 2021. This is akin to saying that they see the dust in the eyes of others, but they do not see the piece of stone they have in their own.

Hundreds of citizens were arrested in France for participating in the demonstrations, which in due course turned violent; the wounded and beaten were counted by the dozen. The police lashed out in full force in their efforts to control riots taking place in the streets of French cities. And what has the discredited European Parliament done? Nothing, not a single word of condemnation against French authorities. Of course, this is nothing new; such silences have always existed while European citizens have been beaten with democratic batons and multiparty rubber bullets.

As in France, on July 11, 2021, riots took place in some Cuban cities. Criminal elements looted and violently burned state institutions, attacked other citizens, overturned cars and attacked law enforcement officers. Those responsible for the vandalism were taken to court and sentenced to prison for these acts.

It now appears that those convicted of looting are perceived by the European Parliament as defenders of freedom and democracy. They are considered political prisoners by right-leaning members of the European Parliament, who demand their immediate release by the Cuban government. With what moral authority can this parliament demand anything of Cuba?

This is the same parliament that supports the delivery of all types of weaponry to the government of Ukraine so that the war may continue to spread.

This is the same parliament that speaks not one word to condemn the genocide of the Palestinian people by the Israeli government.

It is the same parliament that keeps silent about the illegal presence of U.S. military forces on Syrian territory.

It is the same parliament that supported the war in Afghanistan and the invasion of Iraq.

It is the same one that enabled the overthrow of the Libyan government and the destruction of that prosperous country. Definitely, that discredited European Parliament has no moral authority from which to demand anything from anyone in the world, much less from Cuba.

Unfortunately, the famous European Union has become a small branch of the United States. They do what the United States tells them to do: They are vassal states, satellites of the United States. And they are playing with fire in their unrestrained support of Ukraine, in supporting the war and in the avoidance of any degree of agreement to find peace. Further escalation of the war may suddenly have a fatal end for the nations of Europe.

In addition, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently made a statement in this regard, demanding that Cuba release so-called “political prisoners,” using the same term used by his European lackeys. It is not the first time he has done so. It seems incredible that a leader in international policies of a country with a prison in Cuban territory, where hundreds of prisoners from different parts of the world have been tortured and kept imprisoned for years without even a trial, is demanding that Cuba release hundreds of people who brought violence to the streets.

Truly, the propaganda war being waged against the Caribbean island is immense. The propaganda against Cuba goes on and on, both in social networks and by the different Western governments, as well as in the radio, print and television media.

It’s very difficult to defend itself against this irregular war; therefore, the only thing the Cuban government can do is turn its back on it and move forward.

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About Patricia Simoni 207 Articles
I began contributing to Watching America in 2009 and continue to enjoy working with its dedicated translators and editors. Latin America, where I lived and worked for over four years, is of special interest to me. Presently a retiree, I live in Morgantown, West Virginia, where I enjoy the beauty of this rural state and traditional Appalachian fiddling with friends. Working toward the mission of WA, to help those in the U.S. see ourselves as others see us, gives me a sense of purpose.

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