The Beaches Have Already Separated from the Pier

The decision to open Europe’s borders to waves of Muslim immigrants without control may topple the pillars of the free world on the old continent.

The final decision by the United States to give up on and dismantle the floating pier as a way to bring humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip has completely ended one of the biggest farces of Joe Biden’s administration.

The structure, which President Biden pompously announced as if it would save the world from alien invaders and which cost the American taxpayer hundreds of millions of dollars, will disappear with little opposition, leaving behind a loud guffaw. However, the saga of the pier is a perfect example of the dismal state of the Western elite led by Biden and those like him, because everything bad about their thinking is wrapped up in this story.

Let’s begin with the fact the pier was unnecessary from the start. If decisionmakers in Washington had seriously examined the claims of famine in Gaza, they would have discovered the claims were unfounded, springing from a desire to denigrate Israel and whitewash the perpetrators of the Oct. 7 massacre along with their supporters and present them as victims, but in Biden’s world, facts are neither important nor necessary. Therefore, it was enough to have a boisterous campaign about “the babies who will die in Gaza,” so that the president of the world’s largest superpower could engage in a non-existent problem instead of dealing with real threats like that from the jihadis, for example.

Another sin committed in making the decision to build the pier is the sin of arrogance: the arrogance to think that those sitting in their offices in Washington know better than the native citizens of the Middle East, the Jews and Arabs together what is right for them. This sin gets worse when decisionmakers mistakenly think it is enough to throw money at a problem to achieve an objective.

In real life, the opposite is true: If you are going in the wrong direction, charitable financing leads you farther from the target. As a result, we get real monsters such as UNRWA, which is financed by billions of dollars, mainly from Western sources and which has become an instrument for perpetuating the refugee problem and criticism against Israel. If these billions of dollars were used to settle refugees from Israel and their descendants in other Arab countries, or even if that resources could be directed into the hands of the refugees, we could have taken the refugee issue off the table ages ago.

Today’s Western elite are enamored with false concepts and love to feed them with fiery speeches and legendary amounts of money, only to quickly discover that in the best case, the concepts do not work, and in the worst, the concepts work against them, made only to be forgotten. There is no shortage of examples; the most dangerous of them all is the decision to open Europe’s borders to waves of Muslim immigrants without control, without checking the facts, and proceeding on the basis of mistaken ideas, something that is likely to topple the pillars of the free world in the old continent.

In this context, the farce of the pier is dwarfed by the crazies’ two-state solution. The same Western circles have tried to impose this solution on us for years. At least in the case of the pier, the world lost only money and not innocent blood, which has been shed on the altar of a Palestinian state. Instead of identifying the roots of the problem in the absence of an Arab willingness to accept the existence of the Jewish state, Biden and those like him continue to build imaginary floating piers on which they will only drown in the end.

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About Charles Railey 73 Articles
I recently retired from the federal government, having worked for many years on Middle East issues and regional media. My fascination with the region has never changed and this is one reason why the work of Watching America caught my eye. I live in the DC area with my wife, two grown children, and three cats.

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