Symbolism versus Reality

The Palestinian Liberation Organization is changing how it refers to its offices in Washington and Paris, the better to reflect their image as embassies. The head of the PLO office in Paris calls himself an ambassador when he presents his credentials to the French President. It is a good symbolic change; however, it does not change the disastrous reality of the Palestinians.

Why is nothing being done to overcome the current obstacles facing negotiations? For example, the U.N. Security Council could announce a Palestinian state using the 1967 borders, and leave details for direct negotiations between the leaders of the new country and Israel, such as changing the borders, the refugee issue, and the exchange of security measures for both parties.

Why don’t the Arab countries move to form development projects for the West Bank and Gaza, thus restoring both the broken hearts of the Palestinians and their faith in their national and cultural identity? The current position gives Israel and its arrogant, racist army chances to kill Palestinians and isolate them not only within their own borders, but also between the West Bank and Gaza, and from their neighbors in Jordan and Egypt.

In 1988, we witnessed that glorious ceremony, as Arafat, from Algeria, declared a Palestinian State. One hundred and five countries recognized the new country. What has happened since then? Where are the 105 countries now? Why did they not renew their recognition with a U.N. General Assembly resolution, as they did for the original partition of Palestine resolution in 1947?

The cautious U.S. approach to a Palestinian State despite the brave approach of the French is meant as a courtesy to Zionist racism. If there is anyone in Washington who thinks Obama’s retreat was tactical and that Netanyahu might get rid of extremist ideas within his party, they are mistaken. Obama’s retreat has strengthened the arrogance of conservative religious groups in America, and Zionist groups in Israel.

Now, the Israeli government does not want to annex the West Bank and Gaza because of its desire for a Jewish State. However, it is determined to maintain the occupation while continuing to nibble away at Palestinian land. This will be unacceptable to the Palestinians, the Arabs, and the world!

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