“Sanctions against Russia are sanctions against me!”
Barack Obama has broken all bounds of diplomatic propriety, even considering the fact that those in the White House haven’t been in their right minds for a long time now.
Literally the day after the meeting between Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama at the G-20 summit, the U.S. is imposing new sanctions.
One is left with a strange impression from the fact that, on the one hand, Mr. Obama talks of seeking common ground for confronting terrorists in Syria, while on the other hand, he imposes sanctions against the very organizations in Russia that possess the world-class technologies for locating and eliminating terror groups.
What is the U.S. head of state trying to achieve? He has already been denied the red carpet in China. He’s turning, before our very eyes, into a pariah whose arrogance harms not only himself but the whole of American diplomacy.
Then the U.S. lifts some of the sanctions against Rosoboronexport, regarding contracts for the maintenance of its MI-17 helicopters in Afghanistan, but at the same time tries to get in Russia’s way in Syria. Where’s the logic?
But later, the motivation driving the White House becomes clear: a desire to mop up the competition by dishonest means. Thus, since Sept. 7, the White House has proceeded with sanctions against 51 subsidiaries of Gazprom.
Once you have a grasp of the limitations being imposed, you become even more convinced of the White House’s cynicism. They prohibit the provision to any Russian company of anything that might be “directly or indirectly … in support of exploration or production for deepwater, Arctic offshore, or shale projects that have the potential to produce oil.” One would like to ask, where else would you like to ban the production of oil and gas? Maybe soon they’ll impose sanctions that empower the White House to allow you to breathe here, but not over there.
And of course, the justification for the new sanctions list, published by the U.S. Department of Commerce, looks strange: The organizations on the registry “pose a significant risk of being or becoming involved in activities contrary to the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States.”
With such wording, the White House can include any organizations or individuals that might even potentially stand in the way of the interests of the U.S. political elite. Where is there diplomacy here? Where is the desire to solve everything at the negotiating table?
But who is imposing sanctions against the U.S.?
In actuality, the most correct response is for us to go our own way, knowing the truth is on our side.
It is important for the American working class to understand that it has no common interests with the military-industrial complex. It has no self-interest whatever in World War III with Russia and China . And no interest in the phony endless ” war on terrorism ” as a cover for the New Colonialism in the Middle East.
Russia’s Vladimir Putin is right to fear Harpy Hillary as the face of World War III. Trump will probably always ” make a deal “.