Bush's Hiroshima

Today is the 6th of August, and according to the history books, Hiroshima Day. Hiroshima, that peaceful port city in the embrace of Japan’s Inland Sea, in the region of Honshu, built as a commercial and industrial center, and the glory of the Land of the Rising Sun. Until disaster struck on this day, 61 years ago, when the United States of America dropped the first atomic bomb on the city, initiating a historical epoch that would lead the world into destruction and devastation, and which alone should prompt the people of the 20th century to feel shame and disgrace until Judgment Day …

We will never forget that abhorrent portrayal of the event, which we were taught for twenty years; the picture of that war criminal who delivered the bomb and his bloody smile that filled the pages of color magazines, projecting his pride that he and he alone ordered the dropping of that bomb, which struck down 160,000 human beings, many of whose heirs still carry genes that for over six decades, have transmitted the horror of that day …

That day, no one ever bothered to ask U.S. President Harry Truman whether he thought the atomic bomb threatened the existence of human life on Earth, for the principle that has guided successive American administrations is this: First comes America, and the tide can carry off rest. And this is so, even if the United States is compelled to drag the world through that tide, to assert its hegemony and strengthen the cross-continental grip of American corporations on the throat of humanity.

Since the 6th of August, 1945, history intimated what America was to become. The first bridal gift that America presented at the genocidal wedding feast was formal recognition by its President, Harry Truman, of the Zionist Entity [Israel], just five minutes after announcing that the fate of the Palestinian people weighed heavily upon him.

But Palestine was not the first deluge of blood to submerge Southeast Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. If the Hiroshima bomb could be called the ideal image of what the human monster does to other human beings, then the administrations of Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George Bush Senior have succeeded in bringing down on the collective heads of mankind the destructive force of the Hiroshima bomb. That was, until the coming of George Bush Jr., whose term in office was the most repugnant and hideous of all, and the biggest crime in the history of America. If brute force can be described as striking blindly into a corner, then who can equal the stupid, racist ignoramus whose blind resort to force is so harmful and damaging? International observers estimate that the rain of weaponry and destruction that has fallen on Beirut during the first two weeks of the American-inspired Zionist aggression is equivalent to the destruction wrought by the Hiroshima bomb … and for what?

We know that the genocidal atomic bomb affects the genes, but what hegemonic madness has infected the Bush Administration, for it to imagine that it is capable of changing the map of the world, even going so far as to create a “New Middle East?” Doesn’t he know that the pain of his “New Middle East” will remain in the genes of generations to come, as his predecessor Truman’s bomb did in Japan?

However, life is made of stronger stuff. And just as Japan achieved its rise and transformation into an economic giant half a century after the Hiroshima bomb, those that today seem lost will reawaken and rise … while the oppressor rummages through the garbage heap of history …

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