The Wheel of Democracy Is not Going Backwards

It was clear that, if a black president was to be elected to the White House, this will make history in America and in fact this election has returned some of the morals and historical values to America, where the world woke up and the Americans elected their forty-fourth U.S. president in the longest and most enthusiastic election campaign in the history of the United States.

Obama, who is known for his outspoken speech, knew what the economically weary and military exhausted American people wanted because of the failure of the policies of the Republican President Bush the son, and he was able to make using the word “change” a magical recipe influencing the voting American people skillfully with a smooth and easy language wrapped with being serious, sincere and with a smile.

Obama was able to organize an election campaign which is considered one of the most successful campaigns and to strengthen his slogans with best words, wandering the States with a clear vision and a national strategy beyond colors, races and classes and taking advantage of the policies failures, his presidency, then, came as a coronation of Martin Luther King’s long struggle to consolidate civil rights and an end to any kind of racial discrimination, just like President John F. Kennedy ended the Catholic confessional religious discrimination.

The U.S. elections were closest to freedom of choice and integrity. The American people then became mature enough in mind to accept a black U.S. President in the White House.

It happened that these elections coincide with the anniversary of the sinister Balfour declaration in which the British lord granted the Jews a national homeland in Palestine. Will the historical memory bring us back to the era of promises and ignoring the rights of the Palestinian people and supporting the Israeli policy of the continuation of their settlement and strengthening their occupation?

Therefore, if Obama is the man of change, will he make the era of innovation and achieve the desired peace in a world of raging crises and wars?

It remains for us to say that the protest which was made at that time when one of the black characters was invited by the U.S. President Roosevelt in the White House does no longer exist if we know now that the master of the White House is a black man. This massive change indicates that the wheel of democracy is not going backwards.

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