The Dark Waters of the Bilderberg Club against Cuba

On one occasion, I heard Fidel saying that “the world had owners.” Among the news I heard or read as a teenager, I only understood that these owners, in favor of neoliberalism, held the capitalist economic and political power. Then I began to understand that after the U.S. superpower, there was what many call the “establishment” and others the “military-industrial complex.” By analyzing some details, I realized that far from ruling in a capitalist world, dark threads moved the structures of what are called “representative democracies.”

Everything unfolds behind the appearance, in an essence that forces presidents and prime ministers (apart from some worthy exceptions, many are in power today in Latin America) to meet the interests of the groups that led them to take charge of the country.

Thanks to Fidel and his thoughts on the brilliant work of investigative journalism by Daniel Estulin, I understood the essence of the meaning of “hidden power” of the Bilderberg Club. It is disturbing to think that a group of men and women, with a power only matched by their dementia, have blurred the history of the world. In the 20th century and so far this century, drug trafficking and wars for geopolitical purposes have guided their actions. Estulin, expert and student of the “black waters” that surround the Bilderbergs, has stated that if the trafficking of narcotics disappears, they would lose their main source of income and they would literally disappear.

Since almost the beginning of 1900, Cuba has been the object of the attention of those who would become illustrious members of Bilderberg. The Club, which was founded in 1954 and built as a secret organization, persists today in its target of hegemonic control, from which our archipelago has not escaped.

John Walter Prescott Bush, George W. Bush’s great grandfather on his mother’s side, had important economic assets in our country. The West Indies Sugar Company and Zapata Offshore Oil Company, both nationalized to the triumph of the Revolution, belonged to the Bush family. So is the unhealthy hatred of Castro’s Cuba a coincidence? Faithful to the policies of what years later would be the Club, which materialized in support of the German National-Socialist Workers’ Party, along with its most monstrous creation — Hitler or the “beast” as they proudly called him — Prescott Bush also had close ties with the Nazis during World War II.

And what about gangsters John Rosselli, Santos Trafficante, Meyer Lansky, Antonio Veciana and Sam Giancana, linked in one way or another to the Bilderbergs? Everybody knows their business in Cuba in connection to prostitution and gambling. Fulgencio Batista, murderer and dictator, was an enthusiastic driving force of close ties with notorious members of the underworld. In 1933, after being appointed Colonel-Chief of the Army, he was attentive to support their actions. Everyone directly or indirectly participated in some of the 637 attempted attacks against our Commander in Chief Fidel Castro.

On several occasions, Fidel talked about the assassination in Dallas in 1963. Lee Harvey Oswald, alleged murderer and guinea pig (perhaps similar to the manipulation of Timothy McVeigh, charged with the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995, in Oklahoma City, U.S.), was the key element of a set-up that tried to connect him to Cuba. Kennedy, trying to achieve a rapprochement with Cuba, had passed the “permissible line” of a U.S. president. The CIA — an agency also connected to the Bilderbergs — ordered his death.

Fidel, who knew of the power and use of weapons with telescopic sight in the fight in Sierra Maestra, said that there was more than one gunman on that fateful Friday, November 22, 1963. Everybody knows about the impossibility of shooting with a telescopic sight, re-aiming in fractions of seconds, and hitting a moving target a second time. Thorough investigations have shown the presence that day in Dallas of Luis Posada Carriles, Orlando Bosch and Frank Sturgis (all CIA agents) exactly in Dealey Plaza, opposite the place where Kennedy was killed by three gunshots to the head.

Is it a coincidence? Why is there so much protection for these gangsters if it is not due to what they know? Who signed the pardon that gives these murderers total impunity in the U.S.? It is not a coincidence that the answer is: George H.W. Bush.

A notorious counterrevolutionary Cuban American who died a few years ago said that if he told what he knew, it could cause the greatest scandal in U.S. history. Let’s imagine then something greater than Watergate, the leak of secrets on the Vietnam War or the recent publication of the “Afghan war files” by Julian Assange on Wikileaks.

There is so much that young people can do for that “world of the future,” that “world mother country” that Fidel has recently talked about. We can definitely act, for “human rights are above individual rights.”

Those who believe themselves masters of the destiny of the planet and now bet on a nuclear war (perhaps they already have a date) direct their attacks against the new generations. That is how they did it in the United States during the 1960s and ’70s with their own citizens (the most illustrative evidence is the Woodstock concert in 1976).* Their goals persist, but now through an attempt to impose a homogeneous culture where insanity and aberrant consumerism prevail.

Our main goal must be, above all, combining thought with action. Marti used to tell that every man and woman contributes, that “that one who could have been a torch and stoops to being a pair of jaws is a deserter.” Let’s be conscious and active protagonists of a fight for the future of the right to life and peace. Let’s remake the map that compels humans to make love, not war.

*Editor’s note: The Woodstock concert took place in 1969.

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