Restore Public Confidence!

The whole world saw the American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s trip to Pakistan take a “bad turn.” There is constant discussion going on in the American media about the cold attitude that Pakistani and American leaders have toward each other. In fact, American Newspaper Wall St. Journal had this headline:

Tense Relations: Clinton Gets a Cold Reception in Pakistan.

Americans say that Pakistan treated Hillary Clinton with apathy. It is well known that Hillary’s personality is very lighthearted, but we saw her grim for the first time. Americans say that by giving them a cold shoulder, Pakistan’s civil and military leaders have conveyed a message that the limits of their relationship with America have been reached. While, according to ADM. Mike Mullen, the talk of tensions between American and Pakistani official during his trip to Pakistan are exaggerated. The talks were on friendly terms. He has claimed, when referring to the talks, that the Pakistani government will conduct a very important and big operation against extremists in North Waziristan; both countries have a firm resolve against terrorism!

Behind the Pakistani leaders’ indifference toward Mike Mullen and Hillary Clinton and cautiousness in policy towards the United States, is the Pakistani public’s anger. The Pakistani military leadership cannot further ignore this fact. However, it is the bitter reality that America’s war in Pakistan is starting to look like Iraq. Pakistan has become mired in a horrible quagmire. War on terror has become old, Americans come and hand in another list of terrorists we have to destroy. Pakistanis have become distrustful of their leaders. Because of the Pakistani leader’s silence and non-serious attitude after the Osama operation and Mehran attack, the feelings of the Pakistani public have been deeply hurt. American leaders cannot tell their people such big lies because when they are unmasked, they face very harsh punishment. On the other hand, Pakistani leaders lie with confidence because of the country’s lax law and justice system.

In Pakistan’s history, there has never been accountability for lies and fraud nor will there be any chance of a leader going to jail in the future. The American claim of Osama’s killing requires solid proof. The majority of people in America trusts the government, since the punishment for lying is very severe there. Only Pakistani military leadership can restore the peoples’ trust here. There is talk in some circles about Pakistani leaders wanting to use terror as an excuse to acquire dollars. They doll it up in the bazaar and get whatever price they charge. They don’t dare to rebel against America because of personal interests and personal safety, since America does not like such “disobedience.” Pakistanis do not have any other option except to protest like in Damascus and Egypt, since they do not know how to use the right to vote and will never learn. When Zardari goes, then “Sardar (title, means ruler/head) Bilawal Zardari” will take over. If Bilawal had been a Bhutto then he would not be the head of Zardari tribe.

Drama and lies are ingrained in the politicians. He (Bilawal) gets the party (political, PPP) from his maternal grandfather and leadership of the tribe from his paternal grandfather. May God keep this unique favorite son alive, his vote bank is safe.

Pakistanis don’t have hostility with India, but with its intellect. Pakistan’s domestic and international policies are starting to create strange situations. Mian Nawaz Sharif and Asif Ali Zardari’s political romance has come upon an interesting juncture. During the next few months, the steps that the alleged member of friendly opposition, Mian Nawaz Sharif, will take will be extremely grave and important. The way he (Nawaz Sharif) handles the issues related to fiscal budget, the Abbottabad operation and the Azad Kashmir and Mehran attacks, will determine if the present government will be seriously weakened politically and morally or will he be able to create a situation that will force mid-term elections. Nawaz Sharif has gained public support by taking an anti-establishment position. Lately, Muslim League (Q)’s identity has been lost since its positions have merged with that of the People’s Party, therefore Muslim League (Nawaz)’s position has strengthened. Tehreek-e-Insaf’s, (political party) “anti-drone policy”, cannot prove to be powerful until the government takes a definitive stand against domestic terrorism. Not every type of terrorism inside Pakistan is a reaction to the drones. Dangerous incidents like the Mehran attack, is an Indian conspiracy and it is very important that it is uncovered. Regardless of who is responsible for bringing terrorism to Pakistan, without unity and cooperation between Political and Military institutions we cannot get rid of this scourge.

The government will have to be confident with the public before it starts the military operation against terrorists in North Waziristan, or it could backfire and cause further damage. Without restoring public trust first, moving toward North Waziristan could result in increased agitation.

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