The Testimony of the American Activists

America is very angry with Egypt, and it is threatened by grief, gloom and the enormity of matters. America is threatening, as it traditionally does, to cut off its wicked support. The reason goes back to the matter of six American citizens who are being prevented from leaving Egypt because they are being investigated for charges pertaining to breaking Egyptian law and Egypt’s administrative civil code against working without documentation and obtaining wages from this work.

The American citizens are called “American activists,” and they are led by Sam Lahood, the son of the American Transportation Secretary Ray Lahood. These activists work in two organizations in conjunction with the two major American parties: The first organization is called the International Republican Institute and the second is the National Democratic Institute. It is said that they work in the sector of democracy and human rights.

The investigation of these two American citizens comes within the framework of measures adopted by the Egyptian authorities of late against organizations that work outside of the law and receive financing from outside. The obvious question that comes to mind is: What are these activists doing in our country?! And if they are salaried with wages, then who pays them and why, and are their salaries taken from the alleged aid?!

Then comes the most important question: Why don’t these activists operate in their own countries and leave us alone?! Or is it among the obligations and conditions of American support that we permit these people and others to pollute our country with corruption, corruption that is done without us knowing what exactly they are doing?!

I reckon that the state of separation, chaos and fragmentation from which Egypt now suffers and from which it will continue to suffer more and more in the coming days is no more than the fruit of this suspicious “activism” for which there are no observers and no accountability Moreover, Americans and non-Americans engage in this sort of thing under the banner of democracy and human rights, whereas the reality is that it is a secret police action of the first degree.

It is necessary to admit that we opened our shutter doors in the recent period of Mubarak’s reign to today’s exposure to these suspicious activists. Mubarak was doing this with the planned goal of bequeathing power to his son and silencing criticism of his corruption and despotism, and now no one dares to open this thorny issue, fearing that the American partner will be angry and withdraw its support and assistance or cut off its monetary aid.

The measure of stopping the six American citizens and preventing them from leaving has led to an outcry within the American administration, especially since the question is truly serious, and if matters follow their natural course, it is possible for these American activists to receive a sentence of five years in prison.

Therefore, Victoria Noland, the State Department’s representative, hurried to announce that Washington is encouraging the Egyptian government to raise these fetters immediately and permit these individuals to return to their country at the earliest possible time. Furthermore, we are prompted to hope for a solution in the coming days. As for the prominent Republican Senator John McCain, who heads the International Republican Institute, he has expressed his frustration and anger, which he watched with “growing alarm and outrage.”

Thus began the campaign of fear-mongering and extortion against the Egyptian authorities, and the result of this campaign will become manifest in the coming few days, as well as a resolution guaranteeing the speed of the release and departure of the activists. There will be a truce similar to the one regarding the American-Zionist spy Gerabil.

At any rate, the holders of power in Washington need to realize that the Egyptian people are against these American organizations and their suspicious activities, and the problem is not with the government or the military council, but rather with the Egyptian people themselves, who want to expel these organizations and be rid of them, even if the price is the end of annual military support. This aid amounts to $1.5 billion annually. Washington uses this support as a means of extortion and of pressuring us. It is left to the new Parliament – the revolutionary Parliament – to research this matter well in the new strategic framework of a future Egypt, an Egypt ridding itself of its American Achilles’ heel forever. Moreover, it is understood that the monetary aid goes to the friends of America and its favorite Egyptian men and citizens, who corrupt our country and serve no purpose, no matter how much they claim otherwise.

We wish to abstain from American aid and American support and look for beneficial alternatives to reinforce and strengthen our backs, because if we march on the path of Mubarak within the American orbit, then no roster will stand for us, ever. They used to say long ago: “Quarrel with your skin like a nail…and rule over all of your concerns.”

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