There has never been a presidency so unpopular outside of the U.S.
Donald Trump has failed to win us over. In fact, his unpopularity is on the rise according to a study conducted by the Pew Research Center, through surveys in 37 countries outside the United States, most of which are American allies, such as Canada and countries within Europe and Asia. Four out of five people believe he fails in terms of both international policy and personality.
Between Feb. 26 and May 8, 40,000 people were interviewed. Only 22 percent claim to have confidence in the American leader. Some 74 percent do not. The result achieved by Barack Obama during the last months of his presidency (64 percent in favor to 23 percent against) has been completely turned on its head. Trump’s popularity only beats his predecessor in Russia and Israel.
These are numbers that speak clearly: Support for the American presidency has fallen to historical lows among the allied countries, especially among the European ones. And for the first time in the history of the Pew Research Center, the majority of Canadians believe that the U.S. is not a force directed toward the good of the world.
The president’s character and international policy are the main issues upon which the respondents’ negative reactions are concentrated. His proposal to build a wall along the Mexican border to curb illegal immigration has been criticized; his decision to leave the Paris climate agreement and the travel ban on Muslim countries have both been criticized; and his abandonment of international trade agreements, such as the TTIP,* has, again, been criticized.
Regarding his personality, the most recurrent adjectives were arrogant, intolerant and dangerous. Almost no one considers him to be charismatic, well-prepared or interested in the good of others. The one favorable response … his strong leadership.
*Translator’s note: TTIP stands for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.
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