Trump Ruins the New Year

Donald Trump quickly succeeded in replacing traditional New Year’s resolutions − losing weight, finishing the thesis, looking for a new kid, visiting the family more − with a new, shared resolution, a dominant trend: surviving World War III. Donald is a villain with a planetary reach.

Threatening to wage war as an electoral campaign strategy is not a novelty in the United States. There are even movies about this crude maneuver. Nevertheless, it is a diabolical game that can end badly with hundreds, perhaps thousands, of innocent victims. Trump wants to use the threat of imminent war in the Middle East to consolidate the electoral support of the white garbage that votes for him, and scare the rest. If war would break out, it would bring dire consequences for humanity.

Because the danger is so great for everyone, Trump is confident that no one will be eager to respond as he deserves them to, for fear that an escalation would pave the way to World War III.

I happened to hear Vladimir Putin recalling that no one knows what weapons will be used in World War III, but the fourth will be fought with sticks and stones, as civilization will have collapsed. For that reason, it is best not to play with fire, because a conflagration could be unleashed that might become difficult to contain. But that is what Trump and his satanic advisers are carelessly doing. They are going to avoid political trial and remain in the White House for four more years.

Assassination of the Iranian general at the Iraqi airport clicked on the warning lights, raised the price of oil and created stressful situations in strategic places for global trade in hydrocarbons − bad New Year’s news for the international economy − thanks to Trump and his incompetence. International newswires say Iran is evaluating its options for revenge, while several countries are already asking for it to calm down before responding.

The truth is that the door has been opened for an escalation of terrorist attacks that can occur anywhere in the world, including Mexico. These attacks can be operated by terrorist groups from the Middle East or by agents at the service of the CIA to justify reprisals planned in advance. It is a high-risk simulation game.

The United States is playing with fire: Iran is not Iraq.

Iran has an army of more than half a million troops, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. It has the capacity to control the Strait of Hormuz and has more missiles than any other country in the Middle East. Nothing compared to the U.S., of course, but with enough weapons to cause damage. It also has support from Russia, which does not want to go to war directly, but can provide weapons and logistical support to the Iranians.

The greatest danger, however, is not conventional armies, but terrorist groups that roam the world. Recently, information has emerged that the murdered general had sought help from the Zetas* to engage in malfeasance. Certainly, this is fake news, but it shows that Mexico is not outside the conflict. By the way, Mexico will sell oil for more money, but it will buy gasoline for more money.

We’ll see if Trump’s trick gives him the election results he is looking for. For now, the manufacturers of bomb shelters are already rubbing their hands together.

Fear is splendid for business.

*Translator’s note: Los Zetas is considered to be one of the most dangerous Mexican drug cartels.

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About Patricia Simoni 219 Articles
I began contributing to Watching America in 2009 and continue to enjoy working with its dedicated translators and editors. Latin America, where I lived and worked for over four years, is of special interest to me. Presently a retiree, I live in Morgantown, West Virginia, where I enjoy the beauty of this rural state and traditional Appalachian fiddling with friends. Working toward the mission of WA, to help those in the U.S. see ourselves as others see us, gives me a sense of purpose.

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