The ‘Smart and Polite’ Democrats Are Just as Deceptive

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is shaping up to be a major historic lesson. The JCPOA’s American engineers themselves have backpedaled on their commitments and brought despair to the most optimistic of the deal’s supporters in Iran.

Joe Biden’s government has decidedly alienated its allies in Iran and squandered their hopes for a U.S. return to the JCPOA. These allies touted the JCPOA as a shining achievement and fooled themselves into believing that Donald Trump was the only obstacle to its success. They held on to false hope by distinguishing between Democrats and Republicans in deceptive actions and celebrated Biden’s election.

Maybe now these allies will discover how Democrats, armed with hypocrisy, can be even more dangerous. Hypocrisy is now Biden’s tool of choice. He speaks of diplomacy on the one hand but ignores the very deal that he signed four years ago. So far, he has refused to lift sanctions and is seeking to build a consensus against Iran. Through this, he is both protecting Trump’s legacy and using the Democratic winning streak to further his own agenda.

Supporters of the JCPOA within Iran advocated waiting four years until their Democratic allies returned to power. What is their response to the Iranian public now? These supporters described Barack Obama as “polite and smart” while portraying Trump as a madman in order to justify waiting for a return to the nuclear deal. Little did they realize that the Democratic leaders are even more deceptive.

The root of our country’s precarious relationship with the West is our reliance on actors who are untrustworthy. Ayatollah Khomeini, the leader of the revolution, warned against trusting the West and highlighted the lessons learned from the U.S. betrayals of Iran. Many in our country seem to have ignored these lessons and, perceiving themselves in a position of weakness, rushed to reach an agreement with the West. To the world, they painted a picture of despair within Iran and tied our nation’s future to achieving a nuclear agreement. In doing so, they allowed our enemies many concessions and accepted less favorable terms.

The supporters of a deal did not learn their lesson after the West’s deception in the 2003 Saadabad Agreement. Instead, they reached another agreement with Obama, the main architect of many sanctions against Iran. Obama then laid the foundations for betrayal in the JCPOA and discouraged Western banks and investors from cooperating with Iran. Even after everything fell apart with the change in U.S. leadership in 2016, Iranian supporters of the deal promised a return to the JCPOA with a Democratic victory. Will the supporters of the JCPOA continue to pin their hopes on the West instead of relying on their nation’s strength? Will they continue to respect those who will not keep their own promises?

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