Dying To Kill: The US and Manifest Destiny

The fear of no longer being a hegemonic power has awakened its instinct for survival; the U.S. has drifted into a dangerous involvement that threatens the future of humanity. If a nuclear holocaust is on the horizon, it is not by accident. Western culture faces its worst nightmare: being trapped in an endless war.

We are living through the end of a historical epoch with many chiaroscuros: genocides, holocausts, ethnocides, generalized deterioration of the environment, global warming and the U.S.’ stubbornly tying the EU to its plans. Lots of testosterone with little wisdom.

No matter who occupies the White House, Republicans and Democrats act in unison in foreign policy, basing their warmongering on pedestrian but effective arguments. They point out that they have been destined by Providence to be the champions of world peace. They are not belligerent, but in the event of an attack, they will respond with all their might and nuclear arsenal, if necessary.

The American way of life must be preserved; the planet must be protected from communism and ideologies that threaten the family and deny God. Timothy Dwight IV, president of Yale University from 1795 to 1819, wrote: “Thy glory shall spread over the vast reaches of the earth. And wild nations before thy scepter shall bow. Around icy shores shall thy sons sail. Or they shall spread thy banner in the realms of Asia.”*

Their expansionist policy precedes them. From the annexation of Texas and the war with Mexico; through the sinking of the Maine in Cuba (1898); the falsified incident in 1964 in the Gulf of Tonkin used to justify involvement in the Vietnam War; to the second Gulf War in 2003, under the pretext of Iraqi production of chemical weapons of mass destruction, they have acted as true conquerors.

In Latin America, they have never lacked rationale for sending the U.S. Marines to bomb the civilian population. Suffice it to cite the invasions of the Dominican Republic (1965), Grenada (1983) and Panama (1989).

In 1945, the dropping of two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki resulted in its global hegemony. Europe ceded its supremacy and control of international decision-making to the rising nuclear power, then faced a decline in its own leadership. Europe has become a staunch defender of U.S. interests in the world; merely observe its behavior in the U.N.

In the battle for world control of the Western bloc, the U.S. is ready to provoke a political tsunami. The symptoms are visible. They comfortably foment conflicts and destroy states. Under the pretext of fighting drug trafficking, they encourage it. Nothing stops them. In the twilight of their hegemony, they sponsor organized crime cartels under the protection of the DEA. And, with the support of the CIA, they plot and promote coups d’état. They sow death.

The U.S. sees its previously unopposed power diminishing. Its fragile dominance is confirmed by setbacks and the internal crises it faces.

At this juncture, China is emerging as the world’s leading power in artificial intelligence, production of rare minerals, solar panels, lithium batteries, microchips, conductors and nanotechnology. It is becoming an investor and is slowly displacing the U.S. in Latin America and Africa. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva‘s recent statement proposing a peace that includes China and rejects the sending of arms to Kyiv slams the door on Joe Biden’s plans to involve the region in his warmongering policy. Plus, the words of the Brazilian president assert that Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the EU and the White House are as responsible for instigating the war as Vladimir Putin.

The West is squirming. The NATO declaration signed in Madrid on June 29, 2022, identifying the People’s Republic of China as a danger to world security, is not only an absurdity, but it also reveals the U.S.’ fear of the loss of its hegemony.

The West takes off its mask. The call to provide tanks and mercenaries to fight in Ukraine adds to billions of dollars given to Zelenskyy. Let’s not kid ourselves: This is evidence of weakness.

Finally, the shooting down of a Chinese-owned weather balloon that drifted into U.S. airspace has added fuel to the fire. The Biden administration has turned the balloon into a spy probe and is further turning it into a public spectacle. These are the skirmishes that fan the flames of a third world war.

I ask this: Wouldn’t it have been better to recover it and show the world the military nature of the balloon? Did no one consider that? Again, the refrain: We are under attack and China must pay for the offense. But China is not al-Qaida, not the Taliban attacking the twin towers. Elevating China to enemy status brings us closer to the holocaust.

Someone must remind [the U.S.] of this and prevent a third world war. The survival of our species depends on it. But perhaps the U.S. does not see peace as a viable alternative. It prefers to die by killing. And so we will all die.

*Editor’s Note: Although accurately translated, this quoted passage could not be independently verified.

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About Patricia Simoni 218 Articles
I began contributing to Watching America in 2009 and continue to enjoy working with its dedicated translators and editors. Latin America, where I lived and worked for over four years, is of special interest to me. Presently a retiree, I live in Morgantown, West Virginia, where I enjoy the beauty of this rural state and traditional Appalachian fiddling with friends. Working toward the mission of WA, to help those in the U.S. see ourselves as others see us, gives me a sense of purpose.

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