Moment of Truth for Democrats: Biden Is Not Capable of a 2nd Term

The televised debate between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump was a disaster. It raises the question of how the Democrats can replace their candidate.

Many Americans were ashamed to their core yesterday. What was playing on TV in their living rooms was a low point in the history of American democracy. Two unelectable candidates presented themselves: one an incorrigible demagogue, the other a man severely hindered by his age.

For months, there has been speculation about President Joe Biden’s health. There have been many warning signs: verbal missteps, blank stares, erratic behavior during public appearances. President Biden’s entourage in the White House denied hints that the president was no longer capable of serving. Dozens of first-hand reports found their way into the media confirming that a lively president was completely on top of governmental affairs. Biden did, in fact, still appear strong-willed and coherent during his State of the Union address to Congress in March.

Fears Confirmed

But since then his health seems to have declined. In any case, his dismal form yesterday evening confirmed all fears. From the beginning, things didn’t go well. The 81-year-old stiffly shuffled onto the stage and seemed to be mumbling to himself. At the beginning of the debate, his voice was a little hoarse and the articulation was, at times, unintelligible. After 12 minutes, Biden completely lost his train of thought — and was unable to save himself. After 90 minutes, it was clear: This man does not belong in the Oval Office.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump managed to control his temper, as his advisers had told him to do, and CNN’s strict format helped him do it. But he also sent signals that he remains a threat to American democracy. He will accept electoral defeat as long as the election is free and fair, Trump said. The problem is that, in his opinion, it only applies if he wins. Here, Trump again demonstrates a mentality more like that of an autocrat.

Democrats’ Panicked Reaction

After the televised showdown between Biden and Trump, Democrats panicked. The verdict in left-leaning media outlets is strong and clear: it is a disaster. “Biden just sank his campaign,”* experienced commentator Chris Matthews said on CNN. David Axelrod, former campaign adviser to Barack Obama, talked about a new Democratic candidate who could win against Trump. And well-known columnist Thomas Friedman pleaded with his friend Biden to end his candidacy. They are just three voices from a growing chorus inside the Democratic establishment that is expressing disgust or sympathy. The dam seems to have broken. Democrats can now say what they really think about Biden. Speculation is making the rounds about how the geriatric Biden can be propped up or replaced.

Scenarios for Alternate Candidates

The question is what happens from here. Biden won in the Democratic primaries — he is the selected candidate for the Democratic Party and is set to be officially nominated at the party’s convention in Chicago in August. Maybe Biden will himself realize that his candidacy is an imposition on the country precisely because the alternative is Trump. But there is no sign of that right now. His campaign team blamed his deplorable performance on a cold. Or the Democratic Party delegates can stage a rebellion and, in a wild vote, crown a new candidate at the convention.

Scenarios that two days ago were still unlikely are all on the table now after Biden’s catastrophic performance in the televised debate.

*Editor’s note: Although accurately translated, this quoted passage could not be independently verified.

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