Donald Trump’s Big Show Outshines His Big Lies

U.S. politics and the showy Republican National Convention surrounding Donald Trump are ruling the week. Amid the hustle and bustle, one shouldn’t ignore how the Republican candidate is resetting the rules of the system.

The great Donald Trump show is over. For now. Trump’s instinct for the historic moment and the showy Republican production should not allay anyone’s fears.

In all the turmoil following an assassination attempt, one should not forget that Trump is and remains a lying machine. Even at the televised debate in June, his extensive and shameless spreading of lies fell by the wayside because no one reined him in and Joe Biden’s disastrous performance shocked the world.

Trump Keeps Lying: The More Heated the Campaign Gets, the More Important Fact-Checking Becomes

In accepting his party’s nomination, Trump exaggerated about increased taxes and inflation, among other things. He claims the world was at peace during his presidency, although there were dozens of unresolved wars and conflicts. Not to mention the great election lie that Trump keeps supporting.

In 2017, the Trump team first used the phrase “alternative facts.” Since then, lies have poisoned American society, inspiring populist forces around the world. The more heated the campaign gets, the more important fact-checking becomes. The responsibility here falls to the media and the political opposition. We must not allow the post-fact era to settle in uncontested.

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