They’re Trying To Take Over, As Always

Everyone knows that a big part of Venezuela’s wealth lies in its petroleum reserves. According to official data, and confirmed by Venezuela’s Bolivarian government, the country has enough energy to supply all of Europe.

The country of Simón Bolívar has advantages over other countries, including its countless sources of energy and the fertile land that produces food for consumption at home and abroad. In addition, Venezuela is rich in minerals used in industry worldwide. The economic, political and commercial blockades imposed on it exemplify the great rapaciousness of interventionist neoliberal countries. We already know who, with all its allies who act as its proxies, is behind this.

But if there were any will to avoid or resolve geopolitical conflicts, we could solve the scarcity of energy practically without problems. Setting aside the cancer of hegemonism, Venezuela could be, for Europe or any other area that requested it, a guarantee of secure supply at times of risk with regard to inadequate electricity, gas or other necessary energy sources.

The Americas are a region with abundant natural resources. Countries seeking their own speculative gain have been getting their hands on these resources irrespective of the resulting devastation. Latin America, especially, is still being plundered by the primary hegemon and looter: the United States.

There are many and varied exports from Latin America, including Venezuelan petroleum, Bolivian lithium, Mexican coffee, bananas and avocados, honey, silver, copper and many more products from Central and South America. Nevertheless, commerce in Latin America almost always faces ad hoc tariffs. These are mainly blockades by the U.S. or its allies. The value is always determined in accordance with the will of the powerful purchaser, not the producer. This is how the line of domination and injustice is drawn.

We can’t say the same thing about Venezuela that we say about our country (“Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States”). However, the distance in the case of Venezuela does little to stop the disastrous meddling. After it began by wiping out the real owners of those North American lands, the U.S. made itself the boss of the world and put itself in charge of the abundant natural resources of other countries.

The country with the most imperfect and toxic democracy, the presidential system, the starting point of its governmental process, falls short of having sufficient credibility to ensure that the vote leaves no doubt about any of the major contenders, and threats and extortion from both the Democratic and Republican Parties are always present.

Among others, political parties in the U.S. include the Libertarian Party, the Green Party of the United States, the Party for Socialism and Liberation, the Constitution Party, the Communist Party of the United States of America founded in 1919, and, surprisingly, the American Nazi Party, founded in 1964 (in the zeal of the Cold War.) The list is long, and it is interesting because so many of the parties lean toward socialism. However, the tendency of the left is weak in blocking interventionist and harmful behavior toward neighboring countries in Latin America and elsewhere.

I had the honor of writing the prologue for the book “In Defense of Our Petroleum” by the esteemed and well-known attorney, activist and journalist Natalio Vázquez Pallares. We can follow the example of his honesty in analyzing the political conflicts arising from the abuse by the neoliberal countries, in the Western Hemisphere as well as in Europe, concerning the defense of our oil. In fact, we met in Caracas where our close friendship began. We agreed that the fight for our republics’ oil would be long and hard. Vázquez was not wrong.

The circus-like staging by the Organization of American States and its stooges has already been repeated many times when our countries’ progressive proposals have triumphed. And, as old Natalio said, more or less, “Neither trick deals nor criminal sabotage are going to succeed in getting the countries harassed by the foreign petroleum mafias to back down in the face of the constant onslaught on our energy sovereignty. The enemies of liberty will not prevail in Venezuela or Mexico.”

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