Spiritual Counselor to McCain: Eliminate Muslims and Launch Return of Christ

The pastor John Hagee, a fundamentalist Christian, founder of the Zionist-Christian association, Christians United for Israel, and spiritual counselor of the candidate John McCain, publicly called on “the true Christians of this country” to vote for John McCain, “a man of principles who not only shares our values, but is the courageous expression of them.” John McCain – who has been waiting for this support since the beginning of his campaign – declared that he was “very honored by this public support lent by the pastor John Hagee, a man of faith and of righteousness”.

While America continues to comment on the “radical” declarations of Pastor Wright, friend of Barack Obama, no one is alarmed by the support that Hagee has given to McCain. The declarations of Hagee – whose immediate parish is comprised of more than 20,000 followers and who preaches every Sunday via television to several thousands of people – are however much more “radical” (if not completely lunatic) than those of Wright.

In fact in the past two years, his movement has campaigned openly for a preventative attack against Iran, led jointly by the United States and Israel, “in order to accomplish the mission that God has entrusted us with and launch the return of Christ. The Bible tells us clearly that the end of the world will be set off by a confrontation with Iran. In launching this confrontation, we hasten the rapture of the righteous, the great tribulation and finally the second coming of Christ”.

Again recently, at a dinner organized by the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC, the pastor Hagee explained that “Iran is Germany of 1930 and Ahmadinedjad is Hitler. We must act quickly and preventively before he has the means to do what the Nazis did.”

The support of Hagee does not make all members of the Republican party happy. In fact, one of the influential supporters of John McCain, William Donohue, president of the ultraconservative Catholic League, labeled Hagee a “bigot” and recalled that the pastor of the extreme right has not stopped directing a ruthless war of words at the Catholic Church, calling it the “Big Prostitute” labeling it the “church of apostates” directed by a pope who is anti-Christ and who has instituted a pagan cult, preaching false values.”

For Hagee, “Jews are the chosen people and it is only in supporting Israel that the Christians can hasten the return of Christ” (who, subsequently, will convert the Jews to Christianity and burn the resisters in the Gehenna).

This is the reason that – according to Hagee- “there can be no harmony between Christianity and Islam. Islam is a religion of the devil whose purpose is to kill the Jews in order to prevent the return of Christ. And because America is a nation favored by God, the Muslims want to destroy it because they hate God.”

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