Al Gore comes on the field to stand by Barack Obama’s side. The former deputy to Bill Clinton, and candidate in the 2000 elections, broke the delays and has joined the African American Senator after having kept the Democrats with bated breath for over 5 months. Gore made this announcement yesterday and he made his decision public during the Detroit’s Joe Arena Assembly, where he appeared for the first time by the Illinois Senator’s side. “In a few hours I will go on stage to announce my support for Obama,” he declared in an email to his supporters. “From today until the election day–he added–I will do as much as is in my power to ensure that Obama will be elected President of the United States.”
According to Al Gore, the black Senator should be awarded for having the capacity to consolidate a very strong and wide movement of electors in the past year and a half: “He knows that change neither comes from the White House nor from Capitol Hill, but from the people.” For this reason, Bill Clinton’s former deputy has solicited all subscribers of AlGore.com to contribute donations to this electoral campaign. It is the first time that George Bush’s formal rival of the 2000 presidential elections has explicitly asked his subscribers for a financial donation, underlining his determination to support, in any way he can, Barack Obama’s race to the White House. “This moment and these elections–he added–are too important and it is necessary that one act with initiative.”
Great figure for the Democratic Party, Al Gore has always maintained a position in the course of the race for the nomination that presented the Illinois Senator opposite Hillary Clinton, ensuring that his choice would not affect the popular vote’s equilibrium. The descent into the field on the day after the ex-First Lady retired shows a double significance: on one hand it facilitates Obama’s ability to bring together a party torn apart by the fight during the primaries. On the other hand, he helps Obama to become more credible when it comes to the environmental issues as compared to Republican rival John McCain, who has been acting as ecologist in order to obtain votes from the democrats. It is not by accident that the endorsement happened in Michigan, a democratic state which the Republicans hope to conquer thanks to Hillary Clinton’s drained votes. Moreover, it was in this same Great Lakes region that Obama gained another excellent supporter, John Edwards.
Due to this strong support, Obama has decided to hire Hillary Clinton’s ex-campaign director, Patti Solis La Doyle, who left Clinton’s team in February following deep strategic differences between the two, and will be responsible for coordinating the staff for the future vice-presidental candidate.
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