The subject of new relations with the United States has become a challenge between Iranian traditional Conservatives and hardliner Fundamentalists, while some of the powerful figures in the Parliament have criticized Mahmud Ahmadinezhad administration’s will to negotiate with the U.S.
Yesterday the members of the Cabinet displayed the Iranian government’s
interest in reestablishing political ties with the U.S. During their weekly meeting with the press, main opposition figures from the traditional Conservative party, primarily from the Parliament, stated their opposition to reestablishing ties with the U.S.
The influence of the Iran-U.S relation issue was so strong in the Conservative camp that they even canceled their meeting with Saeed Jalili– Iran’s Chief Nuclear Negotiator-–to hear his report from the Geneva talks. We have heard that the Parliament meeting cancellation with Saeed Jalili came after a meeting between Ali Larijani (Head of the Parliament) and Manuchehr Mottaki (Foreign minister).
Ali Larijani, who seems to be one of the strongest figures against reestablishing ties with the U.S. and is more interested in Iran-Europe relations, views the Geneva talks as unfavorable for Iran and has asked the government to end these sorts of negotiations. Ali Larijani, who belongs to the Conservative party, has also given negative feedback to the United State’s proposal to open a diplomatic office in Tehran, calling it “America’s New Deception.” In this situation Ali Larijani, who is now the Head of Parliament and is one of the most powerful figures within the Islamic Republic’s governmental structure, is transfer the Conservative party’s unhappiness to Ahmadinezhad’s government.
It seems that the Conservatives believe that the Iranian government has shown too many green lights to the Americans during the Geneva talks and has also made too many negative statements against the Europeans. Considering the mentioned facts, the Conservatives are now criticizing Mahmud Ahmadinezhad’s new policy towards the U.S., which comes from Ahmadinezhad’s statements during the Geneva talks. During his speech in Yasooj, Ahmadinezhad mentioned that during the Geneva talks the United States were very calm while the representative from United Kingdom gave insults.
This part of Ahmadinezhad’s speech was interpreted as a clear message showing interest in healing Iran-U.S. Relations–an interpretation that if true, could be a powerful tool for him in next years round of presidential elections. Especially if, prior to the elections, Ahmadinezhad gives positive feedback to the reopening of an American diplomatic office in Tehran.
Some observers also believe that Ahmadinezhad’s proposal to reestablish ties with the U.S., together with his new economic reform program, is part of his campaign for next year’s presidential election. At this time the reestablishment of ties with U.S. could change the opinion of the upper and middle classes towards Ahmadinezhad and the economic reform program could target the opinion of the low income class. This is due in part to the energy subsidies paid in cash to the low income class along with postponing the price increase of energy until the next round of the elections.
Reestablishing ties with the U.S. can make him out to be of good character in the eyes of the upper and middle classes. The polls show that he isn’t currently in good standing with these classes and they might choose another candidate. However, if he succeeds in improving his image, than he would be able to change the upper and middle class majority in his favor.
Ahmadinezhad’s two sided tactic has resulted in unique feedback from both the Conservatives and the Reformists. While the Reformists are completely against the economic reform program and view it as part of his election campaign, they defend his policies to reestablish ties with the U.S. Although Conservatives believe this is also part of his election campaign, they haven’t criticized the economic reform program. They have made their perspective against healing Iran-U.S. relations clear and send various messages in order hold back Ahmadinezhad from takeing this path. The cancellation of Parliament’s meeting with Saeed Jalili is one of these messages.
Now that Parliament’s main eight political lines and decisions are made by the Conservatives, it has become the main official organization to oppose the reestablishment of diplomatic relations with the U.S. The Conservatives are against reestablishing relations with the United States even if all the members of the Cabinet and Ahmadinezhad himself send positive messages to the U.S. daily, American officials–regardless of the threats normally made against Iran–use a soft tongue and the American representative at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announces Washington’s readiness to make a nuclear deal with Iran.
Within Iran this issue has also become an election tool and each party is trying to use it as support in the Iranian presidential elections only a few months following the American elections.
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