Although, Obama’s victory over Hillary Clinton and a successful trip to the Middle East that included a prestigious lecture in Berlin that was accompanied by the media’s attention has made Barak Obama look like a winning hero, he has a chance of losing the U.S. presidential election.
Based on Borna news international service reports from Der Spiegel, there have been rising questions about Obama. What is the reason for the public attention towards Barak Obama? Does he have the ability to walk on water? Can he split the sea or is he a holy man? These are the questions that his opponent, John McCain, the Republican U.S. presidential election candidate asks himself.
Let’s review some of Obama’s latest achievements. He traveled to Iraq only once, a trip which was timely synchronized with Nouri al-Malaki’s interview with Der Spiegel and his support of Obama’s policies towards Iraq. This is an issue that forced George Bush to accept Iraq’s request to set a time plan for moving the U.S. army out of Iraq.
During the next step, George Bush also took part in Obama’s achievements. For the first time, Bush sent a U.S. official to Geneva to negotiate with the Iranian agents and thus he accepted Obama’s promise of nonpreconditioned negotiations with Iran.
Obama’s presence in Berlin, which was widely and hugely welcomed by the Germans, was another factor that moved the balance to his favor. This is how he became 8% ahead of his Republican opponent in a survey done after he returned from the trip.
It seems like everything is going according to plan for the black Democratic candidate and there should be no worries on the road ahead. But there are dangers threatening this newly risen star in the U.S. political sky that heightens his chance of losing in the presidential election.
These dangers are not caused by Obama’s strategic mistakes, since a chance of losing exists for everyone. His problem springs out from other issues and factors. His election team focuses a lot on his charismatic character. Scenes like the huge welcoming in Berlin’s Victory Column can be vanished with a single movement from McCain by focusing on Obama’s weakness points, such as his lack of experience and his dangerous main slogan: change.
The Democrats Have Tasted the Bitterness of Loss Several Times.
Another factor that causes trouble for Obama’s Democratic candidacy is his weak stand with white U.S. workers. Although many workers are still in doubt about where McCain’s stands on the issue and are not yet on his side, the worker’s traditional lean towards the Republicans puts Obama in a weaker position. The workers prefer to put their professional future and family lives in the hands of experienced people like McCain, rather than depending on Obama’s promises, who is more like a Hollywood star than a diplomat.
The problem Obama is facing now is that there is no heart left for him to capture. The whole of Europe loving him will not affect his position in the election. Anyone who has been be on his side, has made his or her choice by now. Therefore, the winner in the U.S. presidential election in November will be determined by those votes he can gather from the great number of undecided votes of undetermined Americans. This group of voters are not among those who will get carried away by an elegant speech or tempting promises. These people go with someone who assures them that he has a solution to their problems and will solve them. They are looking for someone who can give a proper response to their unlimited requests, regulate and manage the bad economical situation and control the predicament of a world about to explode.
Also the fact that Obama is not currently supported by a larger number of the democrats’ vote should not be ignored. He barely outran Hillary Clinton, but he managed to do so by considering and taking close looks at statics and analysis as well as by gaining 1.1 million, only 32% of all votes, more votes than Clinton. Thus, by focusing on these votes, Obama managed to get 207 agents from 14 states and win over Clinton, while Clinton succeeded in gaining the attention of the most crucial and populous state, carrying 32.4 million votes.
Also Obama cannot anticipate or hope to get all the black votes. There is a large population of African-American people living in Virginia, Georgia and South Carolina who would be able to double Obama’s chances of winning the votes over McCain, but it has been decades since these people voted for the Democrats.
The Untrustworthy Youth
The most effective and main factor that may result in Obama winning the presidential election is the support from the young and from educated U.S. citizens. They can fill the Internet pages with advertisements on Obama, but Obama’s main problem with this group is that these young voters are reluctant in regards to election issues, meaning that their choices cannot be trusted and their votes cannot be depended on or counted on for the election. Expecting the youth to maintain their emotions and interest in Obama until election day is a little aberrant and malapropos. Although there is a large number of these young people in the U.S., they have not changed in number since the primary election.
Another factor affecting the issue is the manner in which Obama’s election team is managing to attract the youth. The Internet is as much destructive as it can be beneficial. There are some very intense critical discussions taking place against Obama along side the supportive and partial discussions for Obama. Some of these discussions encompass disputes over his opinions lead by the leftists in the congress. His opponents are interested in erasing Obama’s team’s and friend’s efforts by using the Internet to publish negative propaganda.
If Obama wins the presidential election, he can change the U.S. political game rules. Then he can claim that by attracting youth and relying on technology he has been able to overcome the elderly population, dominant people and mask his lack of experience. Only then we can call him a wizard that has proved he can walk on water.
But if he fails in the election, it can be claimed that the old game rules are still valid. Then it will be clear that the Democrats have been immolated by their own unclear rules and theorems, once again having submitted themselves to tragic diplomatic notoriety. The diplomats will again be uttering the old famous saying, “Democrats fall in love, Republicans follow the rules.” And thus the anticipation for a new invention from the Democrats in the next election begins.
Regardless of all these paraphrases and comments, the Democrats are still one step ahead of the Republicans and this primacy shall go on as long as McCain has not awakened from his deep sleep and has not affronted Obama face-to-face. Currently the definition of party is the same for Obama, Democrats and Berlin.
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