Obama ahead of McCain by 44 Percent Among Arab Americans

Obama ahead of McCain, a difference of 44 points among Arab Americans

A poll conducted by the Arab American Institute poll that the Democrat Barack Obama is ahead of his Republican rival John McCain, with a difference of 44 points among the Arab-American voters.

The Arab American Institute said in a statement distributed to reporters that “Obama has achieved substantial progress among the Arab Americans voters” since mid-September.

The Institute, led by James Zogby, which is the largest organization for the Arab Americans affairs in the United States, added that the high proportion of support for Obama among Arab Americans “is not a surprise given that two thirds of the Arab Americans was affected by the economic crisis” which began last month.

The Institute confirmed that according to the results of the referendum, the first issue of concern to Arab Americans is the economy, followed farther by the Iraq issue and health care.

“A group of interrelated factors led to this considerable support for Obama and to increase the proportion of Arabs who belong to the Democratic Party,” Zogby said.

Zogby considered that “the Arab voters might have impact in five U.S. states, which are; Michigan, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia,” he said, adding that 30 percent of Arab Americans are in these States, “and representing a percentage ranging from 5 percent of the voters in Michigan and 1.5 percent in Pennsylvania. “

The number of Americans that are descendants of Arab origin are at least 3.5 million U.S. citizens, according to the latest U.S. demographic census made in 2000, meaning that they represent little more than 1 percent of the total population.

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