Proofed by Robin Koerner

That’s it. The urns have delivered their secret. The suspense is resolved. The Americans crossed the threshold: they threw their lot in with the democratic candidate to the presidential election, the Afro-American Barack Obama. As the forty-fourth president of the United States, on him will henceforth going to rest the fate of a country that knew how to seize the opportunity for change that was offered to it.
November 4th, 2008: a day unlike no others, an absolutely historic date. For several hours, the earth stopped turning not only for the Americans who elected their new president, but also around the world, where the event had aroused much interest, considering the stakes that are always associated with the American presidential election.
“By his election, Barack Obama saves America “. This is the most important thing to be taken away from the victory of Barack Obama over his opponent, McCain. At first, for America which breaks with eight years of the disastrous politics – political, economic, security and social plans – of the Bush administration. Eight years of an administration which struck a hard blow against the image of America in the world because of a foreign policy of dominion, war, imposition and the offering of only a walkon part to allies. In all respects, the hour of the reshaping of America arrived because, from now on, a place is to made for a new vision that advances a politics of dialogue, opening with a foundation of new relations, which can improve considerably the image of America in the world.
We know now that considerable changes are also expected in the way in the country country will conduct its economy, and in particular the financial system, which is key to its significant impact on the rest of the world. Barack Obama thus promises to twist the neck of market fundamentalism, the leitmotiv of the Republicans. In consideration of the blunder of the evil caused by this fundamentalism that McCain had undertaken to perpetuate, we must in truth assert that the United States of America have just turned in their history a new page full of hope.
How can it be otherwise when one knows that the one who is supposed to be, from today, the very first black person to enter to the White House, can take advantage of having designated a new direction for the world’s first power. At any rate, there is no possible doubt: the Americans read well the signs of the time. And they expressed it in their votes, by stating their preference for the Democrat Barack Obama. He showed himself, indeed, to be far more equipped than his opponent to embody the new American dream. Nothing more is required, especially for a country in full decomposition, than to put the reins of America between the expert hands of Obama.
The whole program on which he leaned during his campaign and which he is soon going to apply, constitutes a tremendous force to put America back in orbit and to see international relations in a more positive light. This is the case, internally, on fiscal policy, the fate of the middle class, financial regulation, health insurance, energy independence, with renewable energy at the core, the war in Iraq
With the number of great electors that he gleaned, the victory of Obama on McCain is beyond question. The change is there. The Bush page turned, eyes are now fixed on new horizons. As properly expected, the election of Barack Obama gives birth to high expectations and hopes not only in the USA, but also in Europe, Central America and South America, the Arab world, Asia, and maybe also, but perhaps less so, in Africa. Expectations and hopes which may not all come true for one or other reason. However, something important has happened in the field of international relations.
In every case, Africa can consider itself happy to have given to the world a child who has just entered world history by the main entrance. If, in the past, Africa gave slaves to build America and establish capitalism, it has this time just given the same America a president to deliver it back into orbit.
The people of America have been very frustrated by the dirty politics that allowed a war criminal to become the President of the United States.
The issues that were responsible for Bush getting into that office were based on the interpretation of religious fanatics and made as ‘moral’ issues! Once made a ‘moral’ issue there can be no compromise, or discussion! One side believes that they are right and God said so!
A lot of this, so called, moral issues are based on prejudices that most of these people are not even aware they have!
We can now start the healing process!
I think the fact that americans were so frustrated with Bush is why Obama had such a huge win.
Reap what you sow, President Bush
I think people are confused. Obama is a 1/4 africaan, 1/4 arab and one 1/2 european. Just because his skin colour is dark does not mean he’s a negro. His ancestors were never slaves in America unlike some who’s names reflect their white european owners. In fact, it’s more probable that Obamas relatives owned more slaves than being slaves themselves. Put that in your peace pipes and smoke it.