Will America Be Her Old Self Again?

Edited by Louis Standish

It is regrettable when a people or nation reckon without their morals and genuine self, stumbling and going astray. This is exactly what happened to Egypt since the Revolution of Correction at the beginning of the seventies and to America during the past eight years, comprising Bush’s two terms.

Since 2001, America has abandoned the principles of the French Revolution, the Declaration of Independence and freedom and forgot all about the statue of liberty and its being the first and most important destination for immigrants to turn into the exact opposite: an imperialist and human rights violator that recklessly uses its military force, tortures prisoners at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib, spies on political opposition and segregates white and black, the majority and minorities.

And to be right about that, that American arrogance swelled after the collapse of the other communist pole, the U.S.S.R., to be the one and only pole of the world. Since then, the U.S has circulated the theories of “the End of History,” “the Last Man” and “Globalization,” in addition to telling the other countries, especially the Arab and developing ones, to abide by her list of “dos and don’ts.” And things keep developing and the world falls into two camps: the vanquishing and strong countries and the vanquished and weak ones. America, Israel, Iran, North Korea, China, Malaysia and Turkey joined the first camp, while Egypt and most of the Arab countries chose the second.

However, America now realized that it is time to reconcile with herself, turn back to her history and consider the relationships with other states. U.S power, as the argument runs, lies in her values not weapons, her genuine principles not being the army that solely defends her interests. And who would forget Washington, Lafayette, Jefferson, Roosevelt, Lincoln, Truman and Kennedy who came back to life with the victory of Barak Obama.

Clearly, the policies of the arrogance of power, Zionist Christianity, the conservative Right, the military colonialism and keeping the poor away from politics and wealth, led the Americans not to choose the conservative Republican candidate, who wanted to go on with the same attitudes as mentioned above. Indeed, it is the change that marked the end of a nightmarish darkness and the breaking of another day, so that the undying dream of Martin Luther King can come true. And it was Obama who came making justice, rights and values preponderates.

As for his policies, he is expected to save the crashing American economy and side with the poor, in relation to taxes and other services, in spite of the flak he got by his opponents who called him a communist. His country is on the verge of bankruptcy and capitalism is not an option now, even if it is rectified by the new Liberalism of rolls and hike which allows the state’s interference into the liberal economic activities for consumer and public interest as well.

At the same time, the new American head of state has to break the ice in the relationships with other countries. Namely, to stop the blood shedding in Iraq and Afghanistan; hundreds of Americans and thousands of innocent men, women, children and old people killed in the countries occupied by the same nation that fought the British colonialism until it gained independence. And for the sake of justice, the American aggression on Iraq and Afghanistan is nothing but a crime against all the world’s people and a breach of all the international conventions of the U.N, Human rights and self determination Right. As to Europe, it shall be a counterpart and Russia will lend a hand to consolidate peace and gone are the days of the Cold War. While Latin America will mainly be an economic partner.

But for the Arabs, he is committed to recognize a Palestinian state living side by side with that of Israel and even more to bridle the Israeli aggression against unarmed Palestinians. It is true that the Jews are a lobby and the faulty here are us, because we cannot lobby the American decision-making in spite of our petrol revenues deposited in the American banks, the military bases crouching in the Arab regional waters and alliances with some Arab countries.

Everybody, the Democratic president, the Democratic Congress, the president’s advisers, whether Democratic or Republican, is fed up with the imprudent policies of the exiting administration. The new spirit, which the president elect stands, can be reflected on the Pentagon and the foreign policies as it impacted the American media and universities during the electoral campaign. So the Arab skepticism about him will not do them anything and he will not struggle to get what they lost while they just sit around.

In fact, Obama has an aversion to dependence and sheer subordination, that is why he did not considerably talk to the Arab community in America. He came to the region and only paid Israel a visit and did not tackle the rights of the Palestinian people as much as he announced his commitment to defend Israeli security, that is different from encroaching upon the others’ lands, killing the defenseless and liquidating resistance groups.

A quick look at the Israeli situation reveals that if Kadima and Labor party come to power, they will be more understanding of the policies of the new president. But if it will be Likud and the Right, the clash will inevitably erupt between Washington and Tel Aviv.

Obama also hates making enemies. In that way, he will invite Iran, North Korea and Cuba to the negotiations’ table and peacefully solve the other problems, including those of Mauritania, Western Desert, Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria, Congo and Middle Asia and turn to the problems of poverty, food and health.

There are also some objective elements that helped him succeed, in addition to the subjective ones. He is likened to Lincoln, Kennedy and Martin Luther King, in relation to their leading, persuasive and smart personalities and not to forget his share of law and political science. Obama is far above the follies of politicians, something we touched during the electoral propaganda and T.V. debates.

Another wonderful thing is his electoral campaign that he ran, along with a brilliant and devoted group, leading his opponent to misdirect his business and lose control over it to the extent that he chose a vice president who knew almost nothing about domestic and foreign political affairs.

Neither his color nor his African and Islamic origins was a factor in his policies, even if he never denied it. He does not stand for oppressed or neglected minorities; rather he represents alternative policies that would guide the world’s superpower back to its right path. Yet, he still symbolizes the racial and cultural diversity of U.S.

Now after Barak Hussein Obama has won, will he help America come back to its own?

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