Four years ago, when the younger George Bush entered a fierce election war to extend his presidency against his democratic rival John Kerry, there were differing premises. The Democratic Party presented very liberal ideas to how to deal with womens issues, abortion, gay rights, and others, while the younger George Bush presented very conservative ideas with which to gain the loyalty of religious people and conservatives. A few days before the election, Bush gave an emotional appeal to conservatives and asked them to vote for him to preserve family values and the Lords commandments. Indeed four million came out to vote, most of them elderly and churchgoers who had not previously voted. They voted for Bush, and that helped his victory.
But in the past four years of Bushs rule, there has been clear and noticeable control by the Zionist lobby. Decisions to provide political, military, and technical support were made in service of the Zionist enemy state. America itself was exposed to crises in Iraq and Afghanistan, in which it lost billions of dollars and the lives of thousands of its children. Whenever there is true debate amongst intellectuals and opinion makers, such as Noam Chomsky (who is Jewish), you find that the causes all go back to the control asserted by the Zionist lobby, and that political, military, and economic decisions were taken to serve Israel but hurt America. Consequently, the greatest loser is America and the American people.
When an American is hurt in his home, livelihood, and job, he finds that is due to Americas policy of submission to Israel and to protect its interests. It is a state that was planted in the middle of the Islamic world and will no doubt end one day. The average American understands the reality that one of the reasons of the economic collapse was because the American banks dissipated and squandered resources to finance the arms companies and American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is an unspoken bitter truth; instead the reasons for the collapse are blamed on the financial markets, lending practices, and mortgages.
Historically, there has been Jewish-Christian conflict. It is based on the Jews hatred of Christians and the new religion since the time they tried to kill the Messiah, peace be upon him, and according to the Christians, they actually did kill him. For this reason, there is a hidden enmity towards the Jews in films and literature because they believe they killed their prophet. With Zionist control over decision-making in America and their control over the movies, the media, the economy, and politics, they only seek to serve Israel and themselves, even at the expense of Americas interest.
That has led to an intifada of the American people, most of whom reject Christianity, and went out to vote against Bush and his policies because they see Obama as the one to save them from Israel and its control. Obama was smart enough to know the power of the Jews in the media so he wisely courted them in order to neutralize the media voice. Thus, he gained the support of many intellectual and moderate Jews who were concerned with Americas interests and their own.
Here we see that Americans went out and voted for Obama secretly, because they hate Bush and his policies which support Israel. They seek to disengage from that, and to serve only America, its people, and its economy. In this I see the beginnings of change in American policies towards Israel as an accomplished fact. I see a movement towards peace, and a distancing from arrogance and antagonism. Perhaps that will become apparent in Obamas third or fourth year in power. Here religious fanaticism and historical reality have imposed themselves on the American elections in order to protect the Christian American from the control of the Zionist lobby, which has hurt his wealth, livelihood, job, and economy, and sent his wealth and military strength and political capital to protect a loathsome and hated country, even at the expense of the entire American people.
there are two groups of people that control america.
first and foremost: the industrial military complex.
second: israel. to israel’s credit they are twice as smart as most americans.
the problems in the mid east actually help to feed the industrial military complex.
america is a dumbed downed society when it comes to world affairs.
we killed one million vietnamese in that war for profits and most americans did not even know who the viet cong were.
america invaded iraq and did not even know it was a three tribe country. over one million iraqis will die and millions displaced and americans will not bat an eye.
this is the america I live in. I deeply apologize for america and its wars for profits.
the end is coming soon with mega economic decline.
capitalism and wars for profits fit like a glove.
many americans are getting super rich from this iraqi war for profits.