Fox News Targets Obama Over Muslim Appointees

No sooner had Obama declared his naming of two Muslims to be his advisers than the Zionist lobby showed its teeth to the extent that the American Fox News network boycotted the press conference held by Obama on April 29th to celebrate his first 100 days in the presidency.

That happened when Obama announced in late April that he chose Dalia Mogahed, a Muslim who wears the traditional, to be his religious adviser, and the Egyptian scientist Dr. Ahmed Zewali, the 1999 Nobel Prize winner for Chemistry, to join the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST).

Zionist lobbying groups in America considered Obama’s decisions, which he justified as as way to improve the American image in the Islamic world a direct threat to the Tel Aviv-Washington relationship because they show that Obama has not forgotten his Muslim roots. That is why retaliation should be vehemently paid!

On April 28th, Fox News (which is one tool used by the Zionist lobby) announced it will not air the American president’s press conference, which was noteworthy for being the first time a network has rejected a demand by the Obama administration. In his two previous news conferences, when Fox broadcast them in primetime and were watched by nearly 4.2 million American, Obama never made any decisions that angered Israel. But now, with this change of course, Zionism shall raise hell!

On the other side, the networks CBS, NBC and ABC agreed to disrupt some of their programming to broadcast Obama’s third conference since assuming office live, held in conformity with Labor Day celebrations.

And in addition to the decision to boycott decision, the Israel camp in Congress launched a severe media campaign against the American president when he bowed to the Saudi king, Abdullah Bin Abdel Aziz, when they shook hands at the G20 Summit in London in early April. And in spite of the White House’s statement that Obama’s bow was only out of respect of the Saudi king in their first meeting since Obama’s inauguration on January 20th, the Zionist lobby was not convinced when the Republican National Committee hastened to post an opinion poll on the Internet wondering if it can be suitable for the president of the world’s superpower to humble himself before the Saudi King: the leader of the liberal world to bow before a monarch!

Apparently, all these indicate that Obama’s future has become liable to hazards, especially when bearing in mind the assassination attempts aborted before the American presidential campaign due to his African and Muslim roots.

And in his third press conference, Obama promised to exert each and every effort to make it through the current financial crisis and provide his country with all measures of security and protection, saying that the new budget plan (3.4 trillion dollars) approved by the Congress on April 28th, will shift the American economy from the current recession to recovery. And not to forget the necessity of establishing down new bases for development which would boost the American economy and make it more capable of competing in the 21st century, something the new budget hopes to achieve.

Obama also clarified that the budget looks to put new investments in education, which shall furnish labor with the necessary skills and training, in renewable energy, that will create more job opportunities and more industries. In addition to investments in health care, something that will reduce costs for families and companies and provide savings to decrease the deficit.

As for foreign policy, Obama described the recent series of lethal bombings in Iraq as “a good reason for worry.” Yet, the death toll and violence there can be said to be limited if compared to last year, adding that he chose a piecemeal withdrawal from Iraq in the aim of isolating the tails of al-Qaeda network. Besides, the Iraqi government has a lot to do regarding the sharing of oil revenues, defining the powers of governors and the location of boundaries. Whereas in Afghanistan, the American president warned against the swelling menace of Taliban and al-Qaeda as he sees them as the major danger facing the American national security.

Over and above, and regarding his external attitudes, President Obama has defended his policies and assured the necessity of cooperation with the world’s other countries, showed willingness to focus only on Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan and forget all about the world’s other spots. As with foreign aid, he said that its budget is only 1% of the American GDP in comparison with the contributions from other developed countries in spite of their importance in serving American interests. That is why it shall be necessary to expand their scope.

And in conclusion, Obama clarified that his administration from its very first day faced unprecedented challenges, arguing that the procedures it took should match the size and nature of these tremendous challenges. Here, he is supposed to mean the steps he adopted since his inauguration in January 20thl namely, the approval of an economic rescue plan, pumping cash into American banks and financial institutions, rescuing the automotive industry, closing Guantanamo prison in Cuba, setting a schedule for American troops withdrawal from Iraq and his clear signs to extend diplomatic bridges to the Islamic world, Iran and Cuba.

However, and with the swine flu’s initial eruption in the U.S., Obama’s administration shall suffer under the yoke of the economic crisis that inflicted America under the rule of his predecessor, George Bush.

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