Saving American Face? Give Me A Break!

Capitulating to U.S. pressure, Taiwan’s government decided to relax import restrictions on beef containing bones or internal organs. Although I’m very upset about this, I understand that it reflects global realities, and thus don’t overly blame our officials. But when they said “the U.S. is the one that should feel humiliated and bullied,” and “we’re giving America face,” I really wanted to say, “please don’t insult our intelligence!”

The U.S. is far stronger than Taiwan, and doesn’t really seem to need anything from us. Does a lion ask a sheep to save it face? Does it stoop to negotiate with it? And what if the sheep needs the lion’s protection from a nearby tiger?

It’s as if an adult (the U.S.) smacked a child (Taiwan), and the child said “use the other hand instead,” and after the adult switched hands, the child went around boasting that he could decide which hand he got smacked with. What is this?

In the international community, might makes right. Our government must comply, and while citizens may be angry, they can understand its predicament. What we can’t accept is being treated like idiots!

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