Increased Sanctions on Iran Will Not Work

Karami Rad, a member of the Iranian Islamic Republic Parliament, indicated that Mr. Obama should know that increased sanctions on Iran will not have the desired effect, but will actually encourage Iranian scientists to work harder for the self-sufficiency and development of their nuclear technology.

In his interview with Iranian journalists Karami said, “Obama should not follow the mistaken path of the past.” He stated that over the last 30 years despite all the U.S. and European sanctions against the country, Iranian scientists and engineers have continuously proven their abilities and determination. Karami insisted that, with God’s will, Iranian scientists and researchers have reached a level of self-sufficiency and are responding to the needs of aligned countries.

Karami went on to say that if there are more sanctions, the U.S. will in fact be the losing party. Karami justified this asserting that the last 30 years have proven that Iran does not need American products. America’s pressure on Iran will only encourage more growth and progress within the country, stated Karami. This interview came as a reaction to the U.S. Senate request to apply more sanctions on Iran and prevent the import of oil products to the country.

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