Why China’s Warnings to the U.S. Fall On Deaf Ears

According to reports from Phoenix TV on Feb. 3, 2010, although China sends warnings to the politicians of other countries not to meet with the Dalai Lama, the White House confirmed on Tuesday that President Obama still plans to meet with him. The U.S. Department of State said that the United States would stick to its own national interests, while it also hopes the two countries can have discussions regarding our differing views on different issues.

Obviously, China’s warning to the White House has not had any effect.

Despite that China feels disappointed with the White House, despite that some of us may also feel aggrieved for all we have been doing for the benefit of friendly cooperation between China and the U.S., why is it that the White House ignores our good will? Regardless of all our anger and disappointment, we have to face an inescapable fact. That is, America is not going to change its position of safeguarding its own national interests.

Then the question is: What are American national interests?

From the information we have read, we can draw the conclusion that the so-called national interest of America is to dismember China. Someone may say it is impossible, arguing that, with the current international situation, both the U.S. and China will benefit from cooperation and both will lose if they are pitted against each other. Also, maybe someone says that America has cultivated many talented Chinese who betray their own country, so resources and fortune flowing to the U.S. will not stop. Therefore, the maintenance of a stable China is good for the U.S. Actually, things do not work this way.

First of all, the United States is a master in creating contradictions, aiming to gain more and reach its strategic objectives through conflict and opposition.

Secondly, China’s stability, development and unification will affect and decrease America’s influence and control over the whole world. That is to say, no matter how much China tries to adjust or even follow America’s requests, in essence, once China becomes a strong world power, the U.S. will no longer be capable of dominating the world. In other words, only when the U.S. succeeds in controlling China will the whole world be in its control. For now, through ideology and economic control, the U.S. has temporarily taken control of China. But that does not mean it will be able to control China forever. The best way to have long-lasting control over a country is to split the country.

Third, in light of the above reasons, splitting China is in accordance with the fundamental interests of America. So, under this big strategic framework of the U.S., warning the White House accomplishes nothing.

So, I think this is the true reason why China’s warnings to the White House repeatedly fall on deaf ears.

We believe that only when China steps out of the strategic framework of the U.S. can its warnings become effective. The reason is that the strategic framework is pushed forward by the values of a strategic concept. If one country is struggling against another under its strategic framework, this country will eventually be pushed toward the other country’s strategic target destination.

A country becomes contained because it has fallen victim to another country’s national strategic framework. Not only China, but also the E.U. member countries have been locked into America’s strategic framework.

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