If They Are Not Muslim, They Are Not a Terrorist

In the United States last Thursday, a person that was frustrated with the IRS flew a plane into the IRS building. Even though this act fits into the definition of terrorism, he was not declared a terrorist. The Muslims in the United States protested this situation, asking themselves “If the attacker is not Muslim, are they not a terrorist?” They showed their concern for this hot topic of terrorism and its definition.

Joseph Stack, who killed two people by crashing his single engine plane into the IRS building in Austin, Texas, has started a new controversy.

The pressure from the IRS pushed Jack to suicide. But before his suicide, he left a letter that talked about the IRS in a politically negative way. In the investigation reports, he was not declared a terrorist. On internet blogs, he was declared a “hero” and his act was praised by people. Authorities said that even though the attack was directed against a government building, it had no connection with the world’s terrorist organizations.

Terminological Dual Standard

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) reacted in a negative way to the suicide attack. Nihad Awad, the president of the association, said, “It seems like if the attacker is not a Muslim, then it is not considered an act of terror. An unfair act is being committed against Muslims.” After the attack, CAIR said the attack was an act of terrorism and condemned the attack. After negative reactions, the White House released a press letter about the attack. Spokesperson Robert Gibbs said the attack can be classified as a terrorist attack; however, they cannot declare it is an act of terrorism until the investigation is complete.

It’s Like 9/11

The plane crash into the IRS building caused extensive damage to the building and the surrounding area was covered with smoke. It was reminiscent of the 9/11 attacks. The attacker, Stack, is being praised on internet blogs for his action. Some Republicans praise Stack’s action in protest of Obama and some Democrats are saying that this attack is a result of George Bush’s policies.

Kamikaze: I Should Add My Body to the Death Count

IRS officers collected $40,000 from Stack for fraud and unpaid taxes; Stack claimed that they took all of his money and had none left over for his retirement. The 53-year-old computer programmer’s last letter before his death stated: “Nothing changes unless there is a body count… But I also know that by not adding my body to the count, I insure nothing will change… Sadly, though I spent my entire life trying to believe it wasn’t so, but violence not only is the answer, it is the only answer.”

According to the Laws, It Is an Act of Terror

In the United States, in order to classify the act as terrorism, the authorities looked into law number 22/2656f. According to this law, in order to classify an act as terrorism, it must fit 5 specific criteria:

1. It needs to be done on purpose.

2. It needs to include violence.

3. The target needs to be a civilian.

4. It needs to include a political purpose.

5. The attacker can be a group or just one person.

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