America and Its Opponents

The United States, just like the other world powers in history, has made many enemies in the 66 years since 1944. Global states such as Rome and The British and Ottoman Empires weren’t acclaimed during the era when they ruled, but rather made lots of enemies. Temporarily, Napoleon got this status for ten years and Hitler for four years; the whole world was against them. Japan was uttering threats in Asia just before 1944 and Russia throughout all the continents between 1944 and 1990.

As of 1990 when America defeated the Soviets, communism, which is the biggest nuisance in history, was only left with Cuba as its representative. There was regime change in Nicaragua. Furthermore, America established a relationship with Vietnam. But at present, Chavez continues anti-Americanism in Venezuela and is closely aligned with Iran.

America named these seven states as the axis of evil: Serbia, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea and Iran. The United States destroyed Saddam who was a cruel dictator. Kaddafi was crossed off as he made such a significant change. Serbia adopted integrated borders. America is still at war with Afghanistan. President Erdoğan saved Syria and deleted its name from the list.

North Korea and Iran still survive. These two governments are after nuclear weapons unlike the others. North Korea will reunite with South Korea easily when it gets rid of its dictatorship. That is, of course, unless North Korea does something rash…

And Iran … since Iran isn’t a dictatorship it won’t be finished by discarding the dictator. Iran found this regime by itself, and apparently is prepared to stick with it. However, Iran might be underestimating liberalization. It is determined to produce atomic bombs. It wants to bring Israel into line and destroy six gulf monarchies. Bringing Turkey into its fold, Iran would end Turkey’s relation with the other Turkish States. Iran wants to be the biggest power of Asia. It violently fought the Ottomans, becoming the Ottoman’s eternal and perpetual enemy. Today, Iran covers the weakness of its regime with firm governmental control. It is obvious that Iran with nuclear weapons will badly harm Turkey and the Arab world.

Turkey is trying to resolve the global stance against Iran through diplomacy. But America is planning to take more radical measures.

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