Donald Rumsfeld Is Incorrigible

We’ve always known that the Guantanamo prison camp was notable for many reasons, but no one ever imagined it would be described as “one of the finest prison systems in the world.” That’s how jokester Donald Rumsfeld described it. And the former secretary of defense can’t imagine why Washington has been unable to convince the public “that they were not torturing people, that they were not hurting people.” Well, the reason for that is quite simple: Guantanamo prisoners were being hurt and tortured as numerous investigations have shown. Plus, the “harsh interrogation methods” favored by the Bush administration didn’t help much. Since Barack Obama has thus far unfortunately failed to keep his campaign promise to close the camp because of political and legal hurdles, Rumsfeld praises the notorious camp as well as the no-less-infamous military tribunals for “unlawful combatants” that Rumsfeld claims were the best solution to the terrorism question.

Rumsfeld’s recently released memoirs reveal the 78-year-old to be an incorrigible warmonger and secretary of self-defense, who still gets a royal chuckle from the outrage his verbal attacks about the “Old Europe” once produced. His ex-boss, by the way, prefers to avoid such provocations because the human rights organization Amnesty International has called for a criminal investigation into ex-President Bush for torture and mistreatment of prisoners.

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