Islam Is Taking Over the Middle East under Obama

America has abandoned its role as the global policing force and has, in effect, made it possible for radical Islam to spill over into new territory. Tzvika Fogel cautions us to be skeptical of the illusion of a democratic revolution in the Arabic world.

National pride, individual rights and consumerism have long been and still are three characterizing pillars of American society. Making sure these three cornerstones of American society are consistently on the rise poses the greatest challenge to any president; how much more so for an African-American president in a mostly Caucasian country? It was 10 years ago that the events of 9/11 caused the protection of these American institutions to become a top priority. In light of this, we need to understand that recent events in the Middle East are simply products of American policy — precisely America’s goal.

Obama is Feeble and Will Perish Alone

It was Obama’s taking over the reins of power that heralded a change in U.S.-Middle East relations. There is no more distinction between good and evil, no longer an unequivocal preference for Israel and keeping a low profile of direct involvement in the Middle East. Obama changed this policy and decided that the U.S. would protect its own borders, essentially leaving her allies to fend for themselves. The U.S. has gone from being an enthusiastic and involved supporter to a dedicated teacher, until today where it essentially plays the role of babysitter. Obama has opted to stop “drawing fire” toward the U.S. which had been affecting the quality of life of his people and is trying to minimize the damage of the fire and deflect it in a different direction under the heading, “He who eats alone, dies alone.” The United States of Obama isn’t ready to die for anyone.

Extremist sectors within Islam have noticed this change in attitude. They realized that the era of the Western coalitions, which rely on American power and the apparent cohesion of friends in Europe and the Arab world, has come to an end. America’s allies, however, to this day continue to live under the illusion that American strength is, in essence, their own strength. It seems as though most of the world fails to view the demonstrations of power in the streets, the terrorism perpetrated by extremist Islamic factions across Europe, the rise of Ahmadinejad and his firm stance against the Western world, the ascendance of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Hezbollah’s taking Lebanon by force and the U.S. exit from Iraq as history that needs to be learned.

Only the Naïve Believe that Arabs Understand Democracy

There are those among us who predict a “democratic revolution” eventually taking hold in the Arab world. Unfortunately, they seem to forget the not too distant past, when one would take advantage of the democratic process to establish a murderous dictatorship in its stead. Obama and many others fail to analyze the possible risks of such an insurgency, and this is a terrible blunder. They still live by the motto: “That which is out of sight is far from affecting the heart.” They fail to truly understand the chapters of history that are being written in our time, with the next World War on the horizon. If people truly understood these current events and their aftermath, and a “radical Islamic revolution” was taking place, they would realize how dangerously close we are to doomsday.

Israel cannot afford to be wrong when sizing up this threat, as it finds itself surrounded by countries where this potential “revolution of radical Islam” can find fertile soil to grow and develop. This revolution began in the Gaza Strip, has continued in Lebanon, is currently taking shape in Egypt and is threatening to spread into Jordan and the West Bank. A national uprising buttressed and intensified by religious zeal and transmitted through social networks may erupt due to a temporary loss of control on the part of police, soldiers or a single protester. These days, army commanders as well as their soldiers need to sleep with both eyes open and hope that those in charge will have sufficient time to draw up plans to hamper the spread of such an insurgency. Otherwise, Israel will be the first dragged into war.

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1 Comment

  1. There is no radical Islam. Islam as a revealed religion is consistently under the guidance and promotion of its creator, i.e., God. Look at Islamic history. Where did anyone find radical Islam? The Umayyad ruled Spain for over seven centuries and the Jews had never so good living with the Umayyad. The Ottomans became the centre of gravity of Islam. Were they radical? The Ottomans rescued the beleaguered Jews from Ferdinand’s Spain by sending ships to haul them in safety by throwing a welcome mat to them. Israel needs to search its soul and mend its faith with the Hebrew God before it draws the proverbial wrath of him with which Jewish history is a painful saga. Let the American Christians know that the founding father of Israel, David Ben Gurion abandoned Torah and the Hebrew God by replacing allegiance to God at the founding ceremony with an abstract ‘Rock of Israel.” The clock is ticking in Israel and if Obama does not save America from the peril that is hovering over Israel, it might go down with Israel in a blow up. Israel’s greatest threat lies within. The orthodox religious Jews might create a greater upheaval in Israel than the one Egypt has just gone through. In the past Jews have defied the Hebrew God but he Zionists have cheated Him in God’s sacred land.

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