Israeli Embassy in Washington Boycotts Jewish Organizations …

For the first time in its history, Israel has begun to cut ties with organizations based on their political views. It turns out that the commission of inquiries against leftist organizations initiated by the nationalist political party, Yisrael Beiteinu, is only the tip of the iceberg. Moscow is celebrating its victory.

The Israeli ambassador to the United States was given the order from Jerusalem to start a boycotting campaign against Jewish organizations whose views do not sit well with Israeli right-wing government positions. Not long after instructions were given, the Jewish organization J Street was targeted.

The first step taken against the group was to make sure none of the embassy’s personnel attended J Street’s annual convention, where they have a fairly significant lobby in Washington. According to The Associated Press, Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren told caucus leaders explicitly that the order to boycott the conference, which was approved by the Israeli embassy in Washington, came about due to the varying positions within the official position of the Israeli government.

J Street has recommended that the Obama administration not propose a veto on a U.N. Security Council resolution condemning Israel with regard to the settlement freeze. This is the first time in history that Israel has ordered such a boycott against organizations with differing views. It should be noted that in years past, prior to the boycott, the Israeli ambassador had attended the convention annually.

This time around, Dennis Ross, senior advisor on Middle East issues to Obama, will be present at the convention that will take place on Feb. 26, 2011. Not one government representative from Israel will participate in the gathering; however, many representatives from major Jewish organizations from America and other countries will be present. Michael Oren’s spokesperson explained to the Jewish news agency that he will resume his ties with the organization only after they align their political position with Israel’s regarding the Palestinian conflict.

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