Recently, the revelation of corruption and crony capitalism within Hamid Karzai’s government forced the former governor of Afghanistan’s Central Bank to flee in fear of his life to the United States. The United States hopes to help build a superficial democratic government directly without involving the citizens of Afghanistan. In reality, however, entrusting a foreign party to execute the political plan is not going to work. And some of the Republican presidential candidates agree. In other words, the United States needs to have a better military withdrawal plan in Afghanistan than Obama’s current plan. It is to America’s best interest to completely let go of all of its military interventions and its so-called humanitarian intervention in Afghanistan.
Liberals, including Obama, who also embraces idealism, think that they can develop and improve a country by injecting it with a democratic system. After Japan’s complete defeat in World War II, the United States managed to replace Japan’s militarism with democracy; however, it would be impossible to replicate that as it was backed by special historical conditionals. On top of that, Japan had already completed its economic and political reform prior to the war. At the moment, in any developing country that is undergoing modernization and democratic change, without the majority of its citizens wanting the improvement and change on their own, the person and organization supported by foreign infiltration and intervention are stuck within the constraints of the country’s current stage of development, or are very likely to be a copy of the current corrupt people or dictator. Hamid Karzai is just one example, as the United States has raised many other corrupt people within developing region.
Right now, some of the Republican presidential candidates are not following the mainstream point of view regarding the policy in Afghanistan. Most of the “traditional” Republican opinion leaders refuse to look at the “alternatives.” It is frustrating to see that once the Republicans’ campaign has reached the shallow stage in which the only agenda is to attack Obama, some Republicans have lost their ability to remain fair and rational as they look at Obama’s policies. Actually, these “alternative” points of view are the advantages to the Republicans on taking back the leadership, although they might still not be enough to bring them a victory over Obama. The Republican opinion leaders also predict that former Republican governor Mitt Romney would be blamed for signing the Medicare reform bill in Massachusetts that ultimately served as a model for Obama’s Medicare reform. In fact, Mitt Romney’s resume on Medicare reform and the Republicans who have a different point of view of the Afghanistan War are helping the Republicans in the presidential campaign by bringing in more voters.
The economic blueprint drawn by U.S. leaders is the most critical factor that decides the result of the presidential campaign and the prosperity of the country. Republicans in general share the characteristics of neoliberalism, and this is the reason why they cannot lead the United States to respond to the external challenges during the era of globalization and cannot lead the United States to economic recovery. The outcasts amongst the Republicans are probably in the same boat. The global economic conflicts are not the only result of the conflict between countries.
As long as international corporations like Apple allow their suppliers in developing countries to use toxic chemicals that can paralyze their workers in order to increase profits, and as long as the farmers in developing countries continue to be denied the right to form unions or to negotiate as if they are workers in the United States and other developed countries, there is no future for job and economic recovery within the United States. Only liberals like Obama or Bill Clinton can find a solution to the economic conflicts and the imbalance in supply and demand brought by the globalization of the neoliberalism that denies the rights of workers.
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