American Withdrawal from Iraq?

Edited by Mark DeLucas

America’s withdrawal from Iraq, for the current moment, is not what the Iranians want. This is an analysis of their reasons and justifications for their interest in the withdrawal.

There have been various statements made by the U.S. ambassador to Iraq pointing to a majority agreement between the members of the Iraqi Parliament regarding the permanence of American troops. In another statement, it was confirmed that there is a withdrawal scheduled for this year. Due to the ambiguity and contradictions of the statements coming from each political body involved, there are some questions needing to be asked about the desire and true attitude of the political bodies to extend, or not to extend, the presence of U.S. troops. For example, we find in the folds of statements made by Presidents Talbani and Maliki the desire to extend the stay of the U.S. troops. Maliki has said that Iraqi forces are in need of U.S. trainers and consultants. Keep in mind that arming the Iraqi army by non-U.S. sources means that the maintained presence of U.S. trainers is unnecessary. This is what some in the military and members of the Committee of Security and Defense in Congress have said. Talbani has also said that reports confirmed the lack of readiness of our troops to protect our borders against external aggression.

Some members of Parliament are contradicting each other in terms of their positions surrounding the possible withdrawal in the shadows of suffocating political crises, some fabricated, and the widespread deterioration of security. All of this is coinciding with the approaching deadline for U.S. withdrawal. This leads us to point the finger and accuse authorities, political and armed parties, both supported regionally. They both have interests in maintaining the U.S.’s military presence. All of these conflicting statements from Iraqi politicians simply pave the way both in the political arena and in the media for an extended stay by U.S. troops.

We marvel at the statements from some politicians and men in power when they say that there is no justification for extending the stay of U.S. troops! All the while, their performance and bad attitude over the years in ruling Iraq has shared in the creation of all the justifications for the American demands, as they are not reaching a united power-sharing arrangement.

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