U.S. Attempting to Gain Foothold in the Caspian by Means of Azerbaijan

The Americans are considering the Caspian region as a staging area for a possible strike against Iran, military expert Uzeir Jafarov tells SalamNews agency. Jafarov was commenting on the agreement between Washington and Baku on assistance against drug trafficking on the Caspian Sea, within the framework of the visit of the U.S. Secretary of the Navy, Ray Mabus, to Azerbaijan.

“Certainly, the main task of the visit of a senior U.S. official to Baku is to strengthen security in the Caspian. It is no secret that the Americans are counting on the Caspian, in the sense that they don’t see other options to secure their position in the South Caucasus region,” said Mr. Jafarov.

According to him, the U.S. previously missed an opportunity to increase its influence in the region through joint use of the Gabalinsk radar station. He noted that now that possibility slipped to second place, because a certain agreement about the station was already reached between Moscow and Baku.

The expert emphasized that the Americans are working hard on the Caspian issue in the framework of providing assistance to the countries of the CIS. “Washington allotted $10 million in military aid to Azerbaijan for the installation of necessary equipment in the Caspian for the fight against narcotics trafficking and the arms trade. I don’t think that the US will deploy forces here, especially since that is against Azerbaijani law and the military doctrine of the republic,” he said.

The military expert noted that one of the goals of putting down roots in the region is to establish a staging area for attacks against Iran. According to him, Baku understands well what the consequences of such a strike would be. “If we allow some kind of serious steps in relation to this country, then Azerbaijan will meet with certain problems and difficulties. However, the Caspian Sea is a good opportunity for cooperation between the U.S. and Azerbaijan,” said Jafarov.

He predicted closer cooperation between Baku and Washington on this issue, and an increase in U.S. presence on the Caspian Sea in 2012, citing a buildup in Kazakhstan’s military potential in the region which could change the balance of power. “The balance of forces in the Caspian could change, therefore the Americans will pre-train Azerbaijani naval specialists and provide them with the newest equipment and weapons, including radar stations, speedboats and so on,” said the expert.

According to him, Iran and Russia are interested in the absence of third countries in the Caspian region, mainly with the U.S. in mind. “If the Americans actively help Azerbaijan, then Russia has no alternative but to make peace with the situation,” he concluded.

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