Elements of Evil, Unholy Coalition Against Iran: What’s the Strategy?

The dangerous assassination of Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, the brilliant Iranian nuclear scientist, once again shows that the Zionist regime [Israel], the United States, some countries in the region and some traitorous internal elements are all in an evil and unholy coalition that has determined to wreak vengeance on the nation of Iran. This assassination was absolutely carried out under the supervision of the Zionist regime’s clandestine organization (Mossad) and by mercenary, nation-less and unknown internal agents.

The Zionist regime has chosen as its agenda the method of assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists, since it doesn’t have the military might to match the Islamic Republic of Iran.

General Benny Gantz, the chief of staff for the Zionist regime, said 2012 will be a year of unpleasant events in Iran, which is a clear reason for implicating the Mossad in the assassination of the martyr Ahmadi Roshan. Gantz, who was speaking before the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee of the Knesset (parliament) of the Israeli government, expressed concern over the peaceful nuclear activities of Iran.

In his threatening statements he said, “Since Iran is not ready to stop its nuclear activities, it will be faced with unpleasant conditions in 2012.”

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs website published the threatening text of the speeches of the Zionist officials, saying that a nuclear Iran must be stopped with assassination and sanctions, but hours later removed these threatening statements from the text of its news release.

Such statements are a clear indication of the widespread institutionalization of state-sponsored terrorism by Israel, made possible by the support of the United States and other Western countries and the use of the margin of safety that the U.N. has created for this regime.

The assassinations of the martyr Masoud Ali Mohammadi, the martyr Dariush Rezaei Nejad, the martyr Majid Shahriari and the attempt to assassinate Doctor Fereydoon Abbasi Davani can be categorized as a string of terrorist operations by the Mossad against our country’s nuclear scientists.

The Mossad has already assassinated hundreds of nuclear scientists, artists and writers from Islamic countries across the world, but unfortunately, international institutions have not made any response concerning these assassinations.

The presence of a Mossad assassination team with Western passports in the UAE in order to assassinate Mahmoud Mabhouh, a member of the Hamas movement, is a clear example of the cooperation of the U.S. and other Western nations with Mossad.

The damned Mossad organization, which has a special terrorist operation team, has been extremely active in the West, the Middle East and Asia and lately has been able to assassinate a number of Iranian nuclear scientists by taking advantage of the internal and regional climate.

What must be done to combat the organized terrorism of the Zionist West?

Unfortunately the regrettable events of ’88 [1388/2009] and the chaos of Iran’s political environment after the presidential elections provided a suitable atmosphere for Mossad to influence traitorous and mercenary elements in Iran.

They mainly use mercenaries from tribes in Iraqi Kurdistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan to carry out their terrorist plans.

Under such conditions the climate in Iran must move toward a security crackdown and away from political laxity, because state-sponsored terrorism flourishes in the open political climate of a nation.

Agonizing assassinations of the nation’s academic elite is the heavy price that the Islamic Republic is paying due to existing controls limiting security measures.

If these events were happening in any other country, those countries would definitely elevate the security condition to severe.

Severe security conditions reigned in Egypt for a period of 30 years, from the time of the assassination of Anwar Sadat, the former president of that country, to the time of the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, the former dictator of Egypt.

Today the Islamic Republic of Iran is faced with numerous foreign enemies rallying to strike the scientific achievements of Iran. Therefore, to confront these threats, a wider range of action must be given to the nation’s security organizations in order to neutralize the mobility of U.S. and Israeli terrorist services.

Phrases like democracy, rule by the people, holding free elections and respect for the rule of law are frivolous; they can’t create a safe environment for the nuclear scientists of our country. As a result, legislative institutions must impose a regimen of stricter laws for a period of time in order to combat American and Israeli terrorism.

Although assassinating Iran’s nuclear scientists cannot deter its peaceful nuclear activities, one must honestly ask how much must the wheel of this nation spin before scientists like Masoud Ali-Mohammadi, Majid Shahriari, Dariush Rezaei Nejad and Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan are trained.

The Zionist regime, the United States, other countries in the region and traitorous elements within the country, in an evil and unholy coalition, have determined to wreak vengeance on the nation of Iran.

In such conditions, political and security intelligence is required so that greater control over security in the climate of society is present in order to pass through these conditions.

Hassan Hani Zadeh is an international affairs expert

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