America’s Intentions for the Future

An American report exposing U.S. policy in the Middle East for the next 15 years was recently published by the Kuwaiti Al-Dar newspaper.

Firstly, the report emphasizes that secular Arab governments have failed in ruling countries in the region. Therefore, America has decided to abandon them. However, this abandonment does not mean leaving the region: Islamists will replace secularists as American allies.

If Islamists must rule, America has decided to stand by their side, to assist and to support them. Undoubtedly, the U.S. has been successful with this strategy. As a result, we see that the Islamists’ speech towards America, and even towards Israel, has changed. Many of the Islamists who waived the flag of war and regarded close relations with the U.S. as blasphemy and outside the boundaries of Islam became the same people becoming close to America and demanding its affection. By giving it, the U.S. was able to guarantee the protection of its interests and protection of Israel’s security.

Secondly, in spite of all that, America is not reassured about the trajectory in Arab nations. It is afraid of the intellectual, scientific and civil advancements that are occurring. Therefore, the U.S. has decided to direct the terrorist groups Wahhabi al-Qaida and the Taliban, with the support of the families occupying the Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula (the Sauds, the Khalifas, the Nhayans and the Thans, among others), towards the number one enemy: Iran and the Shiites. Genocide is committed against Shiites everywhere in the world. The first concern of these movements and governments is eliminating Islam’s enemy “al-Rawafedh” [Editor’s note: an anti-Shiite slur] or at least stopping the Shiite spread. In this sense, Israel has not only become a friendly country, but also a sister country.

Thirdly, even though the report pointed to the U.S.’s control over the Saud, Khalifa, Sabah, Nhayan, and the Than families, and maybe the ruling families in Jordan and Morocco, the question remains: Does America find more servants and slaves than these families? Without a doubt, it finds none. America, however, knows what those cows do not know. In 15 years, situations and minds will change. The families are cows that do not change, and therefore become a burden on America. The U.S., therefore, has decided to get rid of them, but at a time it finds suitable, after these families have completely accomplished their missions. The strange thing is that these families, instead of taking a particular stand — even blaming America — began to race each other to serve the U.S. and accomplish its goals in the region. Every family claims that it is more helpful, more obedient and more faithful to America and Israel. Those who love America love Israel, and those who hate America hate Israel. This is a no-brainer, and I do not believe there is anyone who is not aware of this fact.

Fourthly, the United States is still not reassured. It is afraid of the people in the area and for its interests. There are sincere and honest currents in the Gulf, the Peninsula and in Arabic and Islamic countries, and there is a wide public support for them. These games and lies do not eliminate poverty, hunger, class differences, human exploitation, administrative and financial corruption, poor services, unemployment, ignorance and backwardness. These issues cannot be eliminated by fake slogans, lies, fraud and deception. Rather, they need honest, sincere, trustworthy and selfless people who only think about people’s interests. People want tangible deeds, not rhetoric. When the Arab public finds nothing but empty words, it will undoubtedly explode. Nevertheless, America is anticipating this behavior and has therefore decided to surround the area and rogue nations (like the Iranian people) with a tight band comprised of Turkey, Israel and India. The band begins like this: Israel becomes the unquestioned and final authority in Qatar, the Peninsula, and Bahrain. Leaders and officers of the Arabian Peninsula’s shield are Israeli; all of Qatar becomes a hub for the Israeli intelligence; Israel’s land expands to that of the Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf and sons and daughters of the Arabian Peninsula; and the people of the Gulf become human shields to protect the Israelis and Israel’s land. Turkey moves in accordance with the band’s mission by blatantly interfering in Iraq’s matters through military attacks on Iraqi villages on the northern border and ceaselessly accusing the Iraqi government of sectarianism. Also, the crisis between Turkey and Israel ends, and waters returned to normal in accordance with U.S. commands, and the alliance between Turkey and Gulf Cooperation Council begins.

Finally, even though the United States is afraid for its interests from the anger and revolution of the Arab public, and afraid of a war between Arabs and Israel and afraid that oil will be used as a weapon, it also anticipates the outbreak of large wars in the region. The report states that there are likely to be conflicts between Afghanistan and Iran, between India and Pakistan, between India and China, between Iraq and Turkey, between Syria, Turkey and Greece and between Iran and Turkey. All these wars, if they were to occur, would be in the best interests of America and Israel. Without a shadow of a doubt, both America and Israel are pursuing these conflicts in any way and in any circumstance. However, the report also anticipates the collapse of the security agreements between Egypt and Israel and an Iraqi-Syrian alliance against Israel, which can never happen. Therefore, America, with the assistance of its slaves, must work towards its nonoccurrence.

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