Mitt Romney is the Safe Choice in an Otherwise Motley Crowd

After the victory in Florida this Tuesday, it seems very likely that Mitt Romney will be challenging Obama in the autumn’s presidential election.

Obama would be the preferred option. However, the election of Mitt Romney wouldn’t be a complete catastrophe.

The American primaries, just like a Hollywood show, are full of drama, sex, comedy and exorbitant spending. The nomination is becoming clearer, although many states have yet to vote.

The victory this Tuesday in Florida indicates Mitt Romney is the likely candidate to challenge Barack Obama at the presidential elections. Fortunately. Romney certainly is the lesser evil of all the realistic candidates in, to say the least, a motley crowd of Republicans.

It is a bunch in which several dismiss evolution, and many sweep all scientific proofs of global warming aside as lies fabricated by the left wing.

A leading candidate wants to close down the national bank, and another wishes to establish a permanent moon base. But perhaps most frightening: the open support of several candidates for a bomb attack on Iran.

Mitt Romney is among the last few politicians in the moderate win of the party that once stood strong with, for example, Gerald Ford and George Bush Sr. as leading figures, and the reason for his current success is primarily due to the shift to the right he has undertaken on controversial political value issues, such as abortion and gay rights.

In consideration of the gallery of people who have had the Republican nomination within reach, it is nevertheless reassuring that it is with a colorless moderate.

The liberal commentator Paul Krugman noted the other day that the mainstream views of the American right wing that the candidates need to express are so exaggerated that you need to be either crazy or brazen to win the nomination.

Without a doubt, Mitt Romney falls into that last category. His time as governor of Massachusetts paints the picture of a pragmatic, moderate politician, then far removed from the bombastic rhetoric of the campaign.

He created a healthcare insurance system in his home state that resembles the one Obama implemented, and his core foreign political views, including his action plan for Iran or lack thereof, is not far off Obama’s.

It would be far preferable that the Americans re-elect Barack Obama. And gradually as the economic situation improves in the United States, the probability for the president sitting another term increases.

However, it would not actually be a catastrophe if Mitt Romney is elected. Considering the other possible Republican nominees, it is comforting to be with a pallid moderate.

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