Romney Silent on Bachmann’s Rabble-Rousing

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is remaining silent on the anti-Muslim hate campaign being waged by his colleague Michelle Bachmann. Fortunately, there are some Republicans who know a witch hunt when they see one.

Why is Mitt Romney not speaking out? Why hasn’t he commented on this matter? Perhaps he can’t find the right words, which would be bad enough. Or is he just too cowardly to get involved? That is even worse.

I don’t have the answer. All I know is that the Republican candidate for the presidency of the United States has to say something and say it as soon as possible. He needs to comment on the rabble-rousing begun by his party colleague Michele Bachmann (pious Christian, tea party activist and spectacular failure as a presidential candidate).

Along with several other Republicans, Bachmann wrote a letter to the State Department expressing a pretty wild idea: Bachmann has exclusive insider information that the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is imminently poised to take over the United States government. Holy smokes! And the mastermind behind the plot is a certain Huma Abedin, a Muslim American advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The letter claims that Huma Abedin’s long deceased father, her mother and a brother had contacts in the Muslim Brotherhood. Watch out! The decline and fall of Western civilization is at hand, screams Bachmann. The danger wears a beard and knocks on the doors of the White House with an AK-47, because Abedin knows somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody else…

It turns out Bachmann doesn’t have the first hint of proof for her conspiracy theory except that it’s based on similar primitive conspiracy theories. That reduces her whole effort to nothing but an anti-Muslim hate campaign. Joe McCarthy has returned. Over the course of the years, he’s obviously undergone sex change therapy and changed his name to Michele Bachmann.

Fortunately, one must admit, there are still some Republicans who recognize a witch hunt when they see one. To that group belongs John McCain, for example, who four years ago lost his bid for the presidency to Barack Obama. McCain made a memorable speech on the Senate floor.

The crux of McCain’s short but crystal clear intervention was that Huma Abedin is an honorable woman, a dedicated American and a deeply loyal government servant. There’s no reason to take that away from her.

Well said! Mitt Romney ought to plagiarize those words.

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