Sawiris, Clinton and Abu Hamen Between Them

Edited by Tom Proctor


There is no doubt that the wide-ranging criticism campaign that was launched against the last visit of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Egypt by some civil forces, as they like be called, is merely a cheap attempt to embarrass the president-elect and to complete the toppling of President Morsi. They are deluding the public’s opinions with the remnants of the media, the converted and the protean by influencing the minds of our ordinary people. They convey the message that the Brotherhood’s president, who was elected by the misled people, is allied with the Great Satan, the United States, and seeks force from them to confront Field Marshal Tantawi and the military junta. (Note that the head of those forces ousted Mubarak, who used to make a pilgrimage to Washington every year, and allowed U.S. and Israeli officials’ to visit Cairo.)

It suffices to get acquainted with the advocates of this farce and that uproar to demonstrate the validity of this argument. There is Muhammad abu Hamid, who merits the well-deserved title of abu Haqid (one filled with hate of all that is relevant to the Brotherhood and Islam) or abu Khartouch (the cartridge holder), who knelt in front of his master and revolutionary idol Samir Geagea, whose hands are stained with the blood of his Lebanese countrymen. That’s for the benefit of the Israeli entity. His view of the revolution is espoused and then abandoned according to his interests in the military. He sometimes yells against them and sometimes praises the blood of their martyrs. Also, there is billionaire Naguib Sawiris, who cemented intimate relations with the former regime to consolidate his empire. It seemed so obvious with his defense of ousted Mubarak during the first days of the revolution. And there’s ridiculous Tawfiq Okasha, the owner of the first media school that used a unique methodology called the Terrace or the Strike, as well as the Pharaoh’s store, whose name indicates that it was set up to perpetuate the pharaoh. He is also a member of the Secretariat of the dissolved “pagan” party.

Those who call themselves “the elite” are human garbage, remnants of the era of the ousted Mubarak and his regime. Their sole concern is to fight against Islam. I reiterate, Islam is a religion, not those who are affiliated with the Islamic movement, as they claim. They see nothing in Islam but Sharia law: cutting hands off; stoning adulterers; returning to the Middle Ages; and leading a nomadic lifestyle characterized by camels, horses, mule back-riding and monkeys. They own suspect and ill-gotten money. They accuse others of receiving funds from abroad without providing any proof. These are lies that lead to sedition. They accuse Islam of fascism, while they are fascists, Nazis and disciples of Goebbels, Adolf Hitler’s information minister who always said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” They act in accordance with the adage, “give me an unscrupulous media and I’ll give you an unconscious people.’’

Can you believe that Naguib Sawiris hates Americans and the West? And that it was he who expressly demanded that they intervene to protect the Copts from the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamists?! Is it possible to believe that the named Mohammad Abu Hamid, I mean abu Haqid, really condemns the United States’ intervention in Egyptian affairs for the sake of its sovereignty? While he wallows in the dust of his master, the Military Council, and licks the boots of the fugitive candidate Ahmed Shafiq? That was out of spite for the Muslim Brotherhood and even Islam. Listen to him as he says with all arrogance and effrontery during President Morsi’s meeting with Mrs. Hillary Clinton, “O Morsi, you coward, you agent of the Americans.” Then he lost his long and lashing tongue along with the likes of him, the remnants of the seditious journalists, upon their master and benefactor Field Marshal Tantawi’s meeting with Ms. Hillary that could not be described as anything but quite transparent. Also, can you believe that Okasha of Israel (a member of Perez’s Network for Development), incited Israel by video and audio against Egypt after Morsi’s ascension to power. The one who addressed the brotherly Israeli people and wept about its security and safety is likely to condemn the U.S. intervention in Egyptian affairs?!!

The great writer Abdel-Halim Qandil described those tendentious elite in his article, “The Puppet Elite Allied with the Military to Eliminate Morsi.” He distanced himself, despite his known disagreement with the Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic movement, from joining that fierce elite herd, “which has been blinded by desire for revenge against all that has an “Islamic identity” and Brotherhood ideology,” as he put it. “The elite were employed as slaves by the corrupt regime, whose tentacles are still extended into all aspects of life in the country. They seek money, power, fame and revenge without any conscience, nationalism or professionalism. The values have vanished among these mobs. … Intellectual emperors, writers, analysts, journalists, legal experts and partisans of all ideologies have gathered together for one goal: to fight a vigorous war against any plan to establish a religious state, or even a civil state with an Islamic identity. That is out of a strong desire to defend the military, police and a repressive, tyrannical state.” Thus Abdel Halim Qandil, the socialist and liberal author who is consistent to his country and the right word, described the mobs. As to that herd of rotten elite, apply to them the truthful words of the Messenger of Allah, may peace be upon him. Among them, people did realize from the words of former prophets, “If you do not feel ashamed of anything, then you can do whatever you like.”

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